going to see a small farm tomorrow!!!!! long postgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I can't believe it!!!! I have wanted to live on a farm since I was born, (I think). We have moved 27 times in as many years of marriage. You know, students,missionaries, pretty much a vagabond life, rarley even enough yard for a garden. I have managed to have one for the last couple of years. Last year we downsized to a smaller house, to help with the budget, and I was really settling in and content enough, trying to make the best of where God had me, making plans for a few rabbit hutches, etc. When out of the blue,a friend calls us and tells us that his neighbor might be selling his small farm. It belonged to his grandma,she has now passed on, and He has been transfered out of state. Anyway, The original front part was built in about 1870. an addition was put on 15 years ago (that's when they put the bathroom in) there is still the outhouse out back, and a very small barn that leans!!! new windows, vinyl siding,new heat and air,( I'll take the woodstove with me). Anyway tomorrow we are going to go look at it again,,please pray for us,,we don't know how much he wants for it yet, or if we can sell our house for that matter. Anyway I haven't slept very well for the past week just thinking about it all. I'll keep you posted!!!!
-- susan (animalcrackers55@hotmail.com), December 15, 2000
My prayers are with you and yours...sounds like a very nice house, and lets hope the good Lord bless's you with this wonderful opportunity to be out among his country creations!
-- Joe (Threearrs@AOL.com), December 15, 2000.
Susan- I wish you a good nite's sleep tonite. I know what happens to me when I think of finding my dream - and this might just be your dream come true. It sounds like it's a bit of a fixer-upper yet, just enuf to make it your own. Good luck!
-- Dianne (willow@config.com), December 15, 2000.
Oh, how exciting for you!!!!!!! Please let us know how everything goes....God bless.
-- Lesley (martchas@gateway.net), December 15, 2000.
-- Dee (gdgtur@goes.com), December 15, 2000.
Relax a little, try a herbal tea. And hopefully it will all work out. Good Luck.
-- Anthony J. DiDonato (didonato@vvm.com), December 16, 2000.
Congratulations !
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (jayblair678@yahoo.com), December 16, 2000.
Hey all, thanks for your prayers. We love the farm, It has 2 acres with it, and is surrounded by my friends farm, so that if I get some horses or cattle,they can run with his stock. Anyway we talked by phone to the owner,( he is lives out of town). His price is very reasonable, he just has to see of his Grandmother will give the OK, (I thought that she was dead, I guess she isn't after all). If she says that it's OK, then we must sell our house, and pray that FHA will approve the loan, Anyways we have a way to go yet,but so far so good. Thanks again for getting excited with me, oh by the way, I slept like a rock last night, it sure was good to wake up rested. I'll let you know when know anything new. Susan
-- susan (animalcrackers55@hotmail.com), December 16, 2000.
I wish you all the best! And, I truly can empathize with your situation--desiring a farm and waiting to see if it is meant to be. Hang in there!Amy
-- amy (acook@in4web.com), December 22, 2000.