slipcovers : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Does anyone know of an easy or simple way to sew slipcovers for couches or chairs? I'm looking either for a pattern to purchase that isn't above average difficulty, or tips on how to measure and make my own, and then sew.

You guys are great. I just love the forum!

:-) Marty

-- Marty (, December 14, 2000


I don't know how skilled you are with a needle but I always just take apart the material that is already on the piece of furniture to reupholster it. Make your patterns from that. For a slip cover or as we used to call them a dust cover it isn't hard. Get a big piece of material and tuck and pleat in the proper places till it fits. It is just a matter of playing with the material till it drapes the way you want it too.

-- Amanda in Mo (, December 14, 2000.

THe prior suggestion is probably best, but I've done a sofa and wing chair this way: take the widest possible measurement of each section, then add enough for seam allowance all around. Cut squares and rectangles and pin them on the piece of furniture inside out at the seams to the section where they go, then baste and sew. Hard to describe without picture, but the library or small fabric shop might have some book or pamphlets available for the asking. You might have to tuck in where it doesn't show, and the key is to make it a bit on the tight side when you sew so it doesn't look rumpled.

-- Christina (, December 14, 2000.

I found a pattern at WalMart (evil place but have no choice!) Ask someone in the fabric dept. I bought sale sheets to use for material. They wash up nice. Good luck. Q.

-- queen (, December 14, 2000.

Marty, any pattern book for home interiors has them. I have made these for customers before, but unless you can find a nice sturdy piece of fabric on sale, it is cheaper to purchase them readymade, and most larger Wallmarts carry them. Also they are on sale alot in Fingerhut catalogs and also get the catalog for ideas. Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, December 15, 2000.

I use old sheets. Cut a section out large enough to cover an arm, cushion, whatever, and pin it to the section, then cut to just fit the section. Mark what the pieces are so you will know which way to place them on your fabric. When you get patterns of all pieces, lay them out on fabric and cut out, being certain you add the desired amount for seam allowance. Also decide where you will place zippers or snaps. Then begin sewing. If you want to add cording, cut enough pieces on the bias to make it. Or you may want to sew the pieces of the pattern together with a basting stitch on the sewing machine to try the pieces for fit before cutting out the fabric. This way you will have to add the seam allowance as you cut each piece for the pattern. You can make any adjustment needed before cutting into the fabric this way.

-- Duffy (, January 01, 2001.

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