Elizabethan Serenadegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Free Music : One Thread |
Can anyone tell what female singer recored a version of Elizabethan Serenade.
-- Warren (wblacc@email.com), December 13, 2000
Suzanne Clachair recorded it in Australia in 1992. Unfortunatly she was ill advised in a tv show hosted by local Frank Warwick,where there was images of "love making" in the intro. As we are well aware only sub quality products require this type of exposure and she lost major credibility. She is ,however , an excellent singer,poor management lead to her demise on local radio. Hope this helps
-- (simon@qadvantage.com.au), December 22, 2001.
Louise Tucker recorded a version of it back in 1982 or '83. But it went under the title "Only For You". I think she was a British singer.
-- Marc Beland (mybgrafix@sympatico.ca), April 22, 2002.