Research paper on Poe...need HELP! : LUSENET : The Work of Edgar Allan Poe : One Thread

Ok, i have to write this research paper on Poe. However, I need criticism, among other things, to help me along the way. Any information that could be given to help me would be more that appreciated...I'd love you forever!!! If anyone does have any info, please e-mail me @, this is very urgent. To all of those that do help, thank you very much. Sincerely, Amanda M.

-- Anonymous, December 12, 2000


do u know any info on edger allan poe baby cause i really need any if u got any ihave some stuff but i want more.the info that i got is saying edger allan poe did not die of alcholism it is saying he did of rabies if u have any info on him send it to me at my e-mail adress it is monkeypuffs i found the this page at yahoo hey where are u from see ya later jj

-- Anonymous, December 12, 2000

I got to do a 15 slide report on Edgar Allan Poe, so easy, pictures and such allowed and 3 points per slide....Its a doozy.

The criticism I can come up with is he's an alcoholic and a gambler, he has no control on it and the debt got him into 2500$ debt. At that time that was a lot. He's rebellious, ignores his fathers wishes. And beyond other things a little sick for marrying his cousin(back then I don't think they had any ethics on marriage) =]

So far I created 2 final slides on my computer, rest is on the schools server, with not so much information but it may help -1809 birth jan 19 -1849 death oct 7 -David Poe Jr & Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins touring actors. It's been said his father left or died before Edgar was 3. His mother had tuberculorsis and pneumonia and shortly passed away. - Other Poems editions include Tamerlane, Al aaraaf, To Helen, and Israfel - Poems include Ligeia, The Fall of the house of Usher, The murders in the Rue Morgue, The Bells, The narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, The Raven FAMOUS <-

-- Anonymous, December 14, 2000

Poe was adopted by John Allan (how he got his middle name). Poe married Virgina, his 13 yr. old cousin. Virginia died of tuberculousus. Poe dropped out of college when his dad, John Allan, remarried, because Poe thought that he wouldnt' be the heir anymore. That's all I can remember right now.

-- Anonymous, December 16, 2000

Ok. John Allan, never officially odopted Edgar Poe. don't send out false information

-- Anonymous, January 28, 2001

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