i want to emegrate to canada i want help ?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I want to imegrate to canada or united ststes of america (u.s.a) i want help . please help if u can yhank you ali merchant
-- ali asger merchant (aamer_merchant@yahoo.com), December 09, 2000
You might find it helpfull to contact the local embasy for eighter country. if you can get a tourist visa it might help to find a area that is of interest to you. It also depends on where you are coming from. It can take a while to get here withg all the paper work that needs to be processed by the INS as they are always back logged in the USA . Canada can be very quick if you can afford it. So good luck with your under taking.
-- Anthony J. DiDonato (didonato@vvm.comaj), December 09, 2000.
Here are some of the ways you can obtain a resident visa:1) political asylum -this does not give you permanent residence until you've been here a certain # of years because it may be withdrawn if the reason you need asylum no longer exists.
2) you can marry a US citizen (this is how my husband did it)
3) you can arrange for a work visa, but this one is tough if you don't have an existing arrangement with a potential employer. There are many levels of this type of visa, and they all have different priorities, some taking years and years
4) lottery -I'm not sure if this one still exists, but the INS used to draw lots for x number of visas from Asia, y number from Europe, and so forth.
5) investment -if you have a substantial amount of money (VERY roughly $100,000 for both US and Canada) and you're willing to invest it without using it for a certain number of years
6) I think you can buy a resident visa straight off for something like a million dollars
7) if you live in Mexico and you have a Mexican passport (not easy to obtain there) you can get a day visa. There may be other requirements, but I'm not sure what they are.
You absolutely need to contact an American embassy or consulate in your area for the most accurate information. I just thought I'd give you a rough idea since I dealt with many aspects of the INS for years.
-- Leslie A. (lesliea@home.com), December 09, 2000.