Help me ! (to use SHQ-TIFF mode Olympus D460 (C960 UK)) : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Hi ! My sister lost her Olympus D-460Z (C-960Z in UK) User Manual. And now I don't know how to use SHQ-TIFF mode. I press MENU button, then take QUALITY item. With moving arrows (up and down) I can choose only SHQ, HQ or SQ mode, but I can't choose SHQ-TIFF and SQ-HIGH modes. Thanx for your help.

-- Alex Vlasenko (, December 08, 2000


Go to the item which has the line pointing to the sub-item you want to switch to (like go to SHQ to get to the SHQ-TIFF) and press

-- Marc Mosher (, January 31, 2001.

Keep the up arrow pressed for a few seconds when you're at the SHQ box.

-- bretg (, February 04, 2001.

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