Al's next gig : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Heard on talk radio that Al has been offered a radio talk show in LA..should do well..

-- justa ponderin (on who would listen to Al's, December 07, 2000


Al-d or Al-g? Al-d would be a big hit in SoCal, the other Al would be what he is....a loser!

-- Barry (, December 07, 2000.

Maybe both Al's could host the show. Heck, if al-d was a co-host I'd listen.

-- Dr. Pibb (, December 07, 2000.

Quit yer dreamin'...Al-Baby is gonna' make it to the White House after heard it here first!

-- Insider (, December 07, 2000.

Call KFI! =o)

-- cin (cin@cin.cin), December 07, 2000.

President Alan Greenspan.

-- dinosaur (, December 07, 2000.

I know there's some song writers and poets out there. Anyone want to come up with a rap song with al-d and al-gore lyrics?

-- shananananaaaaaa (, December 08, 2000.

Quit yer dreamin'...Al-Baby is gonna' make it to the White House after heard it here first!

-- Insider (, December 07, 2000.

Whom are we hearing this great prophecy from? Why it's none other than an anonymous poster! You risk taker you! Willing to walk on the edge at the drop of a hat! Willing to 'put your money where your mouth is'

You are still a gutless/spineless wonder with a big mouth.

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, December 08, 2000.

Whom are we hearing this great prophecy from? Why it's none other than an anonymous poster! You risk taker you! Willing to walk on the edge at the drop of a hat! Willing to 'put your money where your mouth is'

You are still a gutless/spineless wonder with a big mouth.

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, December 08, 2000.

LOL! You've either got shit for brains or that's a real email address you're posting with.

-- Plugged (, December 08, 2000.

In consideration of today's Florida Supreme Court ruling I've got four words for you: I TOLD YOU SO! Maybe, just maybe the "gutless spineless wonder with a big mouth" knows something you don't ....and my, my, my, doesn't it just p-i-i-i-i-s-s you off! (insert picture of beaming, smiling face here.)

-- Plugged (, December 08, 2000.


-- (clean@up.crew), December 08, 2000.

Well is Al going to accept the offer?

-- Dr. Pibb (, December 14, 2000.

Which Al? And are we talking about the radio show, or the "Wouldja like fries with that?" job offer?

-- I'm Here, I'm There, (I'm Everywhere,@So.Beware), December 14, 2000.

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