Birds-a time to relax(don't know:-) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
For those of you that live in Southern Indiana there's a wonderful place you might want to visit. The Muscatatuck Wildlife Refuge just 2 miles east of Seymour. They have a bird room. A small room with just windown on one side. On the outside there are bird feeders and lots of birds to watch. You can listen to them, too. What a relaxing thing to do on cold winter's afternoon.Maybe there's a place like this close by where others of you live.
-- Cindy (, December 07, 2000
Here in CT where I live, there are several conservation center/nature center locals. The one I volunteer at, with my two boys, is White Memorial Conservation Center. 4,000 acres with miles of hiking trails - and when we have enough snow on the ground, many people x-c ski. There is a bird blind (actually, I think there are several) where you can set and watch -and inside the museum, there is a window witha bench seat outside of which there are bird feeders set up for your viewing pleasure. The center located in Litchfield, in the northwest corner of the state.
-- Judi (, December 07, 2000.
Yes Cindy-the nature center in Dobbs Park,I think ,in Terre Haute IN had the same,with a microphone hooked up so you could listen to the birds while you sat and watched.It was wonderful! and gave me ideas for my potential sunroom. I could just picture myself sitting there,with a hot cup of tea,on a cold winters day. Lovely thoughts.You can join me, when I get my own done!
-- sharon wt (, December 07, 2000.
Outside KC MO, the Martha Lafitte Thompson Nature Center in Liberty MO.Why not birdfeeders in your own yard with waterers, suet feeders and places to roost at night? We've had some wonderful experiences with ours. The local birds, including a pair of mourning doves, are so accustomed to me they sit just a foot or so above me (so far all have been "polite")while I fill feeders. I've considered trying to tame some to come to my hand but don't want them becoming too trusting of humans.
-- marilyn (, December 07, 2000.
Five minutes from where I live is the Nisqually Wildlife Refuge--it is part of the Delta area that was originally farmed from the early 1800s'. The Nisqually river and a couple streams flow through and around it, and it is bordered by south sound. There are a couple huge original Dutch Barns that are part of the environmental/conservtion program provided with the refuge--it is a wonderful place to spend part of the day--everything from blue herons to redtailed hawks. They have tried to keep some of the feeling of the original homestead along with nature trails and fishing spots. The only drawback to it is my place is so close geographically, I have many more birds of prey hunting my place than I would otherwise. But it is still a wonderful place to go only minutes from the interstate in western Washington.
-- Lynn Royal (, December 07, 2000.
Cindy, Live 6-8 miles due north of Muscatatuck! Love it. Saw Bluebirds (4) in the yard here a week or so ago. I must admit, that is only the 2nd time I have ever seen them. Way cool. Being close to the refuge has to help. Did you see that fat red squirrel there? He's got weigh 5-6 lbs. huge. John
-- John in S. IN (, December 07, 2000.
Cindy: I gotta tell you I just love your threads! Trees, birds, etc. You just really get to the soul of being a homesteader!! Thanks....Kirk
-- Kirk Davis (, December 07, 2000.
Thanks, Kirk.
-- Cindy (, December 08, 2000.