greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread


Storm eyes conceal intent to kill outright.
Clandestine eyes dark glasses never show
spies whose eyes shift to hide deliberate lies.
For somber shady secrets they withhold.
Eyes that pierce straight through a smiley face!
Dark marbles frozen in sockets of snow.
Sharp sickles pierce out into distant space
at sacred, wounded scared and shivering souls!
All the while, within the pearly gates,
As angels whisper near the Great White Throne.
Gabriel reaches for his Golden Horn.
His lips are pursed and eagerly he waits…
To grip the trumpet, breathe in deep and blow!
To grip the trumpet, breathe in deep and blow!

E. Lee Saffold

-- Anonymous, December 07, 2000


Brother Duane:

I can see that you have solved my problem which seemed insurmontable! I simply must study the html language and learn the things which you so kindly sought to teach me.

I thank you very much and you have put this poem in exactly the form that I had originally intended it. I thank you so very much! You are kind indeed for you could have had many good laughs at my expense but instead you simply solved my problem.

Thanks again, brother.

Your brother in Christ,

E. Lee Saffold

-- Anonymous, December 11, 2000

All Will Hear It Furtive eyes search desperately For a rock big enough to conceal, But no matter how solid and earthly, Nothing can hide from the Final Peal; Angel's lips loud proclaim The sovereign Judge's name. Head in the Clouds
Traditional Christian poetry you can understand

-- Anonymous, December 13, 2000

Three Poems


-- Anonymous, January 09, 2001

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