collision near Barnesville, Ga. : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

i have read a report of a collision between two trains approx. 2 miles north of Barnesville, Ga. during the Civil War. does anyone know more details of this, such as any names of those killed and injured, or where were they buried, or from what units the soldiers were from, or the exact location of the collision? thanking you in advance,

-- dan henderson (, December 03, 2000


Actually, if you go down old 41 from Barnesville to Milner, through the city to Liberty Hill rd, and go right, continue down about a mile or so, and go rt. on Old Alabama rd., you will see the Confederate burial site, and if you continue North on old 41 past Liberty Hill rd. and look to your right, you will see a state marker for the civil war hospital for the train wreck in the Civil war.

(....Not to mention there's the old CG target signal and concrete phone booth and other RR items near the caboose in downtown Milner.)

-- Elton (, August 07, 2003.

The wreck was on Sept 1st 1864. The railroad was the Macon and Western. After the battle of Atlanta Hood was evacuating the city and comandeered a locomotive (Dispatch)and a train of cars which they loaded with wounded and dispatched to Macon without informing M&W officials. Unknown to Hood a train of supplies had been formed and was steaming towards Atlanta - also without orders. The two trains met just outside Barnsville Ga. 30 soldiers were killed. Despite the M&W being wrecked by Sherman a few weeks later the M&W management remembered to critiscise Hood in their annual report issued at the end of 1864.

-- Ray State (, August 06, 2003.

the wreck was realy about three miles from the current city limits west of town. i live about 1/4 mile from there. it happened on lavenders curve. some of the dead are buried in what is now a pasture. at some point in time someone removed the headstones and they are rumerd to be unded a house in the area.

-- bobby pittman (, July 06, 2003.

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