Yet another : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
In less than 6 months, the third death in my kitty family has occured. One of the brother/sister duo that were lighting up my life with their antics. George was appearantly hit by some asshole on a motorbike or ATV - these kids whip through the field access roads and down my driveway like the devils chasing them and catching up (probably not so far from the truth). Whoever it was probably didn't even know he hit anything. 4 just went by on motor bikes and didn't even slow down as they passed the house. 'Bout time to drag some big branches across the way - nothing that will impair the legitimate movement of heavy farm equipment, but enough to make pleasure wheeling less feasible. Don't worry, I'll put them in plain site, I don't want to hurt anybody (, not deep down anyway), I just think some speed bumps might encourage them to keep it on the speed bike track they built over at a neighbors house.Don't know why I'm burdoning y'all with this, except that aside from family, you're all I really have for shoulder crying. I so love my little family and they're all dying on me and I just about can't take it anymore. I just cry and cry until I 'bout go numb and just when I'm starting to get over it another one goes. The place where I go to have them cremated would not be out of line to start wondering why so many pets we have keep dying. I hope that they are more compassionate then that, but I know if I were them, I'd wonder. I just don't know how to deal with this anymore. Those of y'all who are of a mind too, pray for me to find the strength not to despair. I don't want to go down that road (I was depressed as a teen) but I feel so, well, picked on right now that I'm afraid that I need more than just my own strength to get by. Hubby would be a comfort if it didn't hit him harder than it does me, but he gets so attached (and he's got full blown depression anyway) that at these times I have to be there for him, rather than the other way around and I'm running out of strength. If only they'd gone with a little more in between time to recover, it might be easier. I just hope that bad things really do come in threes and that this is the end of it for a while. Thanks for listening.
-- Soni (, December 03, 2000
Soni, I can relate. Just today we had (5) 4-wheelers come flying up pipeline across our property. (land is posted) I'm going to get some fishing line and create a "barrier to growth". These punks cut down 1 of our tree's to make an access point to the pipeline. They often agravate our dogs and we've had 2 cats to disappear.So yeah, cry on our shoulder. If you must stop them I hear razor wire will do the trick. (well you might think on it, ok, boards with nails will stop them till they change tires)
Let's take a 10 mnute time out. Whew I feel better hope you do too.
-- Kenneth in N.C. (, December 03, 2000.
We ahd a year like that when the cats seemed to get hit one after another .Take comfort in that you gave it a good life .I wish you were close I have some kittens ready to go and they would love a good home.
-- Patty (, December 03, 2000.
Soni,I am so sorry to hear about your cats. I know how it feels, been there as the saying goes. heres a *BIG HUG* and my shoulder. If I were in your position, I would be very very ahhh,,hummm... upset for lack of a better word at the moment. people can be so ignorant. but remember, they too have to answer one day for what it is they do and stand before God. And i've lived life long enough to say that what goes around will come around too. I would suggest doing something to stop their access to your property. Nails in the path work great. I'd be so mad if it were me i'd have to go someplace cause with my firery temper I'd probably shoot them! and believe me, scum like that ain't woth it! But find out who they are and contact them or mention it to the local police. If you don't then they will think its OK and keep on doing destructive things. Hope things get better. Sometimes it helps to talk it out. take care.
-- Bernice (, December 03, 2000.
I know how sad you must feel. With all our kids grown and gone, our dogs and cats seem to be our children now. I even catch myself having one way conversations with them. Have you thought about making your cats indoor cats? It can be done and now with the cold weather, a good time to change them. After having several of my kittys hit by cars, shot and disappear, we decided that their quality of life would be better as indoor cats. My oldest one carried on awhile, hanging on the doorknob, howling etc. but he got over it and I feel so much better knowing they are ok whenever I hear a gun or cars speeding by. And I never had any problem getting them to use a litter box.....keep one in upstairs hall and one in the cellar. You know, my husband helped a few "potholes" grow a bit larger in front of our house to slow down some of these jerks. We seem to be on the only straight stretch and everyone has to accelerate . Good luck and keep your chin up. We've been there and cried over our friends too. Kate
-- kate henderson (, December 03, 2000.
Soni, sorry to hear about your deaths. I understand how you feel. To avoid possible problems in the future, I would stop these people and tell them that you would prefer if they didn't ride on your property. I hope that if you told them, you've had 3 cats hit by someone, they would feel bad. But be sure to stop and tell them. Make sure your property is posted, and then if these "drive bys" keep occuring, call the police. If you were to put out boards with nails, or anything like that you could have problems. Most of all if one would get injured on your property - even if it's not your fault - it would most certainly be your problem. And if no injury occurs, these guys could come and start to do more damage on purpose. I know how angry you can be when four-wheelers and motorbikes go across your property,(people buy them but don't have the property to ride them on) but if you don't let them know you don't like it, they aren't going to know any different. If you do get them stopped, remember to ask for their names (could come in handy if the police do need called) and tell them to tell their buddies that your place if off limits. Hope you can get this problem cleared up. Good luck!
-- Michael W. Smith (, December 03, 2000.
I like the nails in a board idea but you did say this was a farm access so I assume people drive tractors on it....tractor tires are mighty expensive to replace. Is there a time or day that they seem to be worse than others? If so you might use the lane for it's intended purpose.....big SLOW moving farm equipment that they can't get past. It would take up your day a couple of times but I bet if they get annoyed enough they would find somewhere else to play. I know how annoying those things can be. I bought some beautiful land with a creek running through it once. The part of the creek we were on was mine on both sides. Well me and the kiddos were out there on a hot day and well we decided to go swimming and forgot our suits. Needless to say I was not ammused when 5 of the blasted things came splashing down the creek with me in my altogether, and of course they had coolers on the back of each one. My solution if they come on my land practice with a 12 gauge! I don't shoot at them...I just do target practice....sure does get their attention!
-- Amanda in Mo (, December 03, 2000.
A couple things you can do on your drive a)plant holly and roses close to the driveway b) if its a long private drive, gate it and the field roads with cables.
-- Jay Blair (, December 03, 2000.
How about running woven wire [ so it can be seen ] next to road? Give the cats a chance to run back toward were its safe.It is hard to lose a animal but there are so many that need homes that at least yours were loved and taken care of until they passed on, most never get that.
-- kathy h (, December 03, 2000.
Sorry Soni..We no longer have any pets for that reason...we would get so attached or at least I would and then one day I would head out the road and see my baby dead..or the neighbors would use them for target practice..We always knew what was happening but couldn't prove it.. I can't see keeping an animal shut in the house forever but that would be the only way to assure it's safety in these parts. I just can't see having to put a cat in a harness just so it can get some fresh air!
-- Lynn (, December 03, 2000.
Soni,Last month I posted that I needed a shoulder because I had just lost my beloved parakeet and my horse's pet pygmy goat within three days. It did come in threes when I found my favorite chicken under panel fence the wind blew down. Haven't lost anything since then.
Stay strong, each day gets a little better. I recently got a new parakeet, not to replace the old but to fill the emptiness there.
PS I think the woven wire might help, too, if you can afford it.
-- Dee (, December 04, 2000.
Hugs to you from another cat lover. I've yet to lose a cat to an accident ('just' disease) and don't think I could take it. I probably would kill the perpetrator if I were in your situation. Do think about keeping the cats indoors. I know its hard, especially on a homestead, but it works out pretty well. They do get used to it -- but you have to be hypervigilant. Maybe you could make them an outdoor pen (have to have a top too, the way they can climb) that they could access through a window? Then they could go in and out, and still be safe.
-- Joy Froelich (, December 04, 2000.
You would kill a human being over a cat?
-- JLS in NW AZ (, December 04, 2000.
JLS Nah I wouldn't intentionally kill a human over a cat (a dog maybe). I think you miss the point. The 4-wheelers are trespassing and causing damage and death to pets. Here in NC the police are slow to respond (often 2 hours later) they say its a low priority issue.I asked about the boards with nails. On your "privately" owned and "posted" land you can lay boards down and if they have nails in them well it is on your land. (offically) Unoffically if the trespassers get hurt most will sue. And with our "liberal" courts the landowner is about 75% sure to loose. Wish the odds were better.
So far the 4-wheelers have destroyed my wifes rose garden, the creek, killed 2 cats and injured one dog. Cable fence went up today at driveway. 1" thick connected to the power pole and a steel rod. Very wisible white clothes line now runs entire length of back property line. I can't legaly stop them on the pipeline even though they cross our property. State law however is being broke. I had the locale PD come and post pipeline entrance. May not help but does lend my side a little more protection should anything occur.
When we lived in Kentucky we often let the locale youths ride on our property. They would ask each time and had very good manners. (I miss Kentucky) Hmmmm maybe we need to get a copy of "TREAD LIGHTLY" and give it to the offending trespassers. What do you think Soni?
-- Kenneth in N.C. (, December 04, 2000.
The road we live on has a straight stretch in front of our house. Until it was repaired, there was a bad frost-heave that was just like a speed bump right in front of our house. It slowed some of the traffic down (people going seventy in a forty-mile-an-hour zone). Another thing that helped was when we had geese, they would get into the road, and people would slow way down for them. One of our local policemen told us the geese were doing a good job -- he used to sit behind the barn at a neighboring farm, and clock the speeders which is how we know for sure they were going seventy! We've lost several cats here, and our best dog that moved here with us, to speeders. Fortunately, our old part-siamese has survived almost ten years here. I would be very upset if anything happened to her, she is such a sweetheart. If we aren't able to sell our house right away come spring, we will have to fence our yard as best we can, to keep our farmcollies safe.Soni, try some of the above suggestions (not the ones that could end up with you being sued or in jail!) and also try making speed bumps, and/or keeping a flock of large geese!! When you've got the problem under control, then you can feel a little safer about replacing your kittens.
-- Kathleen Sanderson (, December 04, 2000.
Kenneth in N.C, I agree with you. You proposed methods of slowing down the bikes or perhaps impeding their progress. That is fine as long as it does not kill or severely injure another. HOWEVER, the statement "I probably would kill the perpetrator if I were in your situation." leaves little doubt about the intentions of the writer.
-- JLS in NW AZ (, December 04, 2000.
I remember reading that a dirt biker lost his head on private property he previously rode on. Seems the property owner stretched a chain across his property entrance. Eeewww!!!
-- Dee (, December 04, 2000.
This worked for others maybe it would work for you.----Put up a LARGE sign telling trespassers they are being filmed by hidden camera and if caught on tape the tape will be turned over to the Sheriff for prosecution purposes.
-- debra in ks (, December 05, 2000.
I may be unclear as to whose property these bikers are using -- are the field access roads yours? Do they belong to someone else? I would start by posting the property 'Danger!!-- Private Property -- Keep Out!!'(big red letters are nice...) for a week or two, and then I would proceed to sink some nice holes in the ground on either side of the roads & drive. Fill 'em with concrete and set a hasp into it. Get a nice big board, like a 2x12 cut to span between the two hasps. Drive some nice ten-pennies into them thickly, and then put screw eyes at either end. Chain the boards to the hasps with padlocks. After they've lost a few tires, they may rethink their route. You can easily unlock one end and drag it at a right angle out of the way when you want to get thru for field work, then lock it back up at night. It probably won't work if you don't own the access roads as well, BUT you can put one across their point of access onto your property/drive.
-- Julie Froelich (, December 06, 2000.
Soni, I'm so sorry about your kitties. I get very, very attached, and it breaks my heart when I lose a pet. You have my sympathy. (I believe that George is in a wonderful place, and that you will be reunited one day.)
-- Cathy Horn (, December 06, 2000.
Hi again, Soni, finally found time to get back to read other posts here. I hope you're feeling a little better. I know it's hard -- I've lost 3 pets in less than 6 months, and I know what you mean about the numb feeling.JLS, don't know if you'll get back here to read this, but I'll answer your question anyway. No, I wouldn't REALLY kill someone who ran over my cat. That was exaggeration -- an expression of my anger and frustration with people who think this is excusable behavior, worth no more than a shrug. I don't expect you to believe me, since you later state that you have no doubt of my intentions, but surely you are familiar with such exaggerations? Why take such a literal view, especially asking the question, but not allowing time for an answer?
-- Joy Froelich (, December 07, 2000.
I would not be able to hurt someone intentionally for something that I can't help but believe was unintentionally (and likely unkowingly) done) Most of these kids have their own pets and would be just as hurt if they lost them. I'm afraid that they are just kids out having fun and are simply not taught any better about property rights and politeness. It's one of those areas where these back roads have probably been used by their families for years before I was even born and they probably feel that they have as much, if not more, right to them than I do and who's to say that their way of thought is not as valid as mine that disagrees.I will be fencing off the unused access road with some found barbed wire (flagged and posted) and gating the used acess. At least that would slow them down to escapable speeds. Speed bumps would just add to the fun, I'm afraid - these are real off-road types. Don't know about potholes, but I'm sure that tractor axles can't be any cheaper than the tires and I'd hate to put a dent in some poor local farmers skinnier-than-he-would-like bottom line. At least with the barbed wire, if they lay it down, they will puncture their tires and the tractors don't go that way any more. Just got George's ashes back yesterday. I hate trying to bawl and drive. I'm sure it unnerves my fellow wheelsmen as well. Thanks for all of the shoulders.
I'm feeling a little better - we had to house dedications today and that is a real emotional boost (for those who don't know - I'm doing a year of Americorp with the local Habitat for Humanity). It's really neat to move someone into their new house just in time for Christmas, with another to go next Sunday, and four more houses going up as we speak. I try to focus on the good things and just let myself deal with the bad in spurts and dribbles when I can take it. When it builds up too much, I wait until I can spare the time, then just let it all wash over me and bawl, going on afterwards with a little clearer head and a storm-cleaned heart.
-- Soni (, December 09, 2000.
Soni, I am really sorry to here about your loss. We to think of our pets as the "Kids". Have you tried telling these people that they could ride on your land if they were to use common sense...slow down, watch for pets etc...and if something awful did happen to at least stop and tell you? And if they couldn't at least abide by those rules that they were no longer welcome or allowed on your land? If they choose to ignore these simple requests then but up a cable or someother type of barrier. Hang in there. I too suffer from depression, especially in the winter. Getting out really does help even tho at times it is a huge effort to do so. Good luck. Barb
-- BARB (WILDETMR@YAHOO.COM), December 10, 2000.
We had a problem when we moved to our farm with kids on motorcycles and ATV doing donuts in front of our shop. We live on the edge of town and there is an easement for an alley that the city never built. The kids were racing down the alley and then spinning in front of our shop. We told them several times to stop it and then told their parents that they would pay for the damage to our land. That slowed them down for the most part. We occasionally let the dogs go and they don't like motorcycles and the kids don't like dogs chasing them, so it keeps the kids in line.If it is your property, you have every right to stop them from trespassing. I would certainly be neighborly and discuss with the parents what is happening. As you said, the kids may not even know what they did. I would also put up good gates on the accesses and no trespassing signs.
-- beckie (, December 10, 2000.