ER vcd : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Where can I buy the VCD of Warner Bros's "ER"? Especially in Hong Kong, USA and Canada.

-- Olivia Chan (, December 03, 2000


In Hong Kong, you can buy them in HMV. I also saw them in some vcd store. Is there any DVD format of ER ?

-- Eric Suen (, April 12, 2001.

DVD's of ER are available in Japan

-- Geraint (, July 15, 2001.

Check this out...If you can read Japanese, their Tower Records is selling it online. GOODS_SORT_CD=103&keyword=vTitle&y=11&x=10&entry=er&SEARCH_GENRE=ALL

This site below claims to sell them, but I placed an order nearly a month ago and have not received any confirmation or anything from them.

Here's the official Warner Home Video Japan site for ER

Can someone from Japan hook us up!!??

-- O. H. Bennett (, November 30, 2001.

Aha...found it...try: or Both have the most recent releases of ER on DVD.

-- ohbennett (, January 26, 2002.

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