HOW TO MAKE SOUR CREAM??? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Need a recipe quick for making sour cream - thanks!!

-- kelly (, December 02, 2000


I culture it from my own cream and a couple of tablespoons of store bought sour cream. I think there are cultures you can buy, but I never have. If you are using sour cream in cooking and have goats, the soft goats cheese can be substituted (I am talking baking here) and it comes out really nice. Hope that helps, - diane Oh- once you culture you can use your own sour cream to reculture.

-- Diane Green (, December 02, 2000.

Diane, I like the idea of making sour cream. Would you mind explaining the details of how you do this. Do you heat the cream before adding the store bought sour cream? How long do you incubate the whole thing? Are there any special things to look for or not do? etc. Thanks for the help!

-- Mary (, December 02, 2000.

Mary, what I do is, bring the cream to room temp. about a quart in a quart jar, leaving room for a couple of tablespoons of cultured sour cream from the store. Mix very well and let sit out the rest of the day. i am sure there are probably better ways to do it, but it has worked for me. Never had it go bad unless it was in the icebox too long. You can culture your own buttermilk pretty much the same way. diane

-- diane (, December 02, 2000.

If I need buttermilk and don't have it all I do is, say you need 1 cup of buttermilk, put 1 Tablespoon of vinegar in the measuring cup then fill to the 1 cup line, stir well, and there you go. I do, however, use cider vinegar. Don't know that it makes a big difference, but that's what I use.

-- Clare Baldwin (, December 08, 2000.

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