Greensleves sheet music : LUSENET : Free Music : One Thread |
I am looking for a copy (download, or whatever) of the violin sheet music for Greensleves.... i anyone can help me i would really appreciate it. Thanks!! Frankie
-- Frankie (, December 01, 2000
i know the words are different, but if you can get access to a church hymnal, "What Child Is This?" IS Greensleeves. and you should be able to play it, cause i play violin too and i played it for my church's Christmas Program.
-- (, October 27, 2001.
Sorry I can't help you with this one - but I can second your request. I'm looking for vocals to the same song - actually all I need is the words. Also if anyone knows of someone who can transpose music from soprano rang to contralto range I would be forever in your debt!
-- (, August 14, 2002.