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For anyone trying to contact me lately, my computer has been down for about a month now. Am getting a modem replaced. I feel like I'm missing out on so much! Have to use the one at work. Thanks, Pat (Homestead Journals)
-- Patricia Mikul (, November 27, 2000
If you use external modems, Best Buy has some good deals on 28.8 and 56k models. Plug em in and the OS will install it. The only drawback is if you currently have an internal modem card. you have to remove it first.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, November 27, 2000.
Pat, I just had to install my own modem (it fried after a thunderstorm). if you want some very helpful "walk-through" steps, try this site: and go to the forums. Just post to them with your modem type, computer type, etc., and they'll help, or you can search the forum for past answers to your question. These guys helped me go through a fairly complicated series of tests on my computer (including taking it apart and putting it back together) about 6 weeks ago, and their troubleshooting abilities kept me from missing a lot of work. best of luck!
-- Kristin, in C. Alabama (, November 27, 2000.
Hi, Pat. I've thinking about you and your girls. Wondering how you are all doing and how are things coming with the horses? Come back when you can.
-- Laura (, November 28, 2000.
thanks for the advice about the modem but I'm getting a new one to replace it- thank goodness it was still under warranty! have no idea how long it will take to get back!As for the girls and myself, we're doing pretty good - thanks for asking. The older horse has shaped up once we had an experienced rider on him to show us what we were doing wrong. He doesn't get away with much anymore since then. The 7 month old colt is a joy for my youngest daughter and she is just thrilled with him.
I'll keep in touch off and on and hope to get my computer back soon!
-- Pat (, November 29, 2000.