Anyone Hear of an artist named VoodooCHylD???? PLEASE Let me know!!!! : LUSENET : Bill Laswell : One Thread |
I FOUND SOMEONE ON MP3.COM THAT YOU HEADZ NEED TO GO AND CHECK OUT NOW!!!! Hey I don't know if this is the place to do this but, its all about the music right? This guy has invented a new style of track production called TRUNGLE HOUSE the trax are laced and well produced with that added flare alot of electronic artists today just don't have. Anyway its this new group called Voodoochyld on MP3.COM that I ran across by accident(typed in wrong URL), and I must say that from what I heard (COSMIK WIND is what got me open) he will be in the URB mag one day. His tracks are really fresh and get your heart pounding. I've been in the rave scene for bout 8 years now, and I've heard a lot of sub par groups get the leg up, help him out, but not before you check out his tracks. I love inovative new techniques and Voodoochyld delivers just that, if you like hard pounds, phat breaks, funky azz build ups go check it.Here is his webpage link And here is that track that just pumps the air waves with LIQUID AUDIO.
COSMIK WIND (Trungle House Mix)
Keep the music vibe alive.
ThaFunkyRaveKID hit me up at
-- ThaFunkyRaveKiDD (, November 22, 2000