This Page Cannot Be Displayed - Try : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
If you try to open a posting and get the This Page Cannot Be Displayed notice, hold down the control key and then click on the refresh button. This should take you past the blockage.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, November 22, 2000
Good point. The message is often times because one of the routers or servers is busy. Sometimes I have to hit refresh several times before getting through.
-- JLS in NW AZ (, November 22, 2000.
Which one is the refresh button??
-- Ann (, November 22, 2000.
Next to the stop icon which is next to back and forward.:)My kids had to show me!
-- teri (, November 24, 2000.
If you are using Netscape, it's called "reload " and is in the navigation toolbar.
-- Peg (, November 25, 2000.