High bitrate vcd plays well on PC VCD Player but not on standalone VCD Player

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I was successful in writing a 2500 kbps video bitrate on a CDR using VideoPack 4. The result played well on VCD Power Player on my PC but when I tried it on 3 different standalone VCD (not DVD)players (Sony, Samsung, Panasonic), the video and audio was "halting," or kept stopping and going on its own. The video was definitely clearer though. I don't see anymore the pixelated look that 1150 bitrate VCD has. Does anyone have a solution for this problem?

-- ian cruz (cruzi@delmonte-phil.com), November 21, 2000


No! because a standalone player is made for playing a VCD at 1150 bitrate only. A PC player can play almost any bitrate.

-- noy (noysaycocie1@yahoo.com), November 21, 2000.

using a vcd player that cam also play svcd might be your best bet

-- Doug (mazinz@aol.com), November 21, 2000.

Almost every vcd player can play video-cd's with alternate bitrates as long as the total stream does not exceed 1.44Mb. For example 1300 video and 64Kb audio.

-- Stephane (pliskens@yahoo.com), November 23, 2000.

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