Porblems playing vcds on dvd player

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Some of my vcds play are able to play on the computer and dvd player, but some vcds look really jerky, the picture keeps bouncing up and down, however when I play it on my computer I do not experience this problem. I would like to know what I could do to stop the picture from bouncing up and down on my dvd player.

-- leo gomez (gomez_leo@hotmail.com), November 21, 2000


If you have a descent processor it should play, but the dvd players tend to stop playing the vcd when it detects a gap in picture (jumping effect) and will stop playing it

-- (sapphirec@hotamil.com), August 02, 2002.

I'm having the same problem at the moment. I just went and bought a mico dvd/vcd player today. Hopefully it should work with a cd-rw!

-- Ben (Dacre22@aol.com), January 08, 2003.

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