Developing an old B/W : LUSENET : B&W Photo: URL Review : One Thread |
I recently found a very old camera that contains a B/W film that is partly exposed. I suspect that the camera has been forgotten for at least 35 years. I believe that the film is Agfa's Isopan ISS that was a 100 ASA film. Does anyone have a clue as to the development of such a film?All suggestions are most welcome.
-- Jon Ogmundsson (, November 18, 2000
if YOU believe this is 100ASA film, just process it as any other 100ASA film. good way to test it is to remove film from camera. marke where film stops at exposed/unexposed. of UNEXPOSED portion, cut off about two inches and process it as 100ASA. after development, check for the film markings. if they appear good, process the rest as that. bleeding, light, or otherwise lettering on the film indicate either under or over development, and you should vary your processing accordingly. good luck.
-- fototaker (, November 19, 2000.
2 weeks ago i foud on my attic an old 35 mm film Ilford FP4 at east 20 years old and exposed. On my attic it is always dry but in winter it can be -10 gr C and in summer 32 gr CIv'e Just putted it in Rodinal and overdeveloped for about 20 % 17 minutes at 20 gr C Everything worked out fine. No problem at all.
I also foud an Rapid cassette with Agfa ISS 100 asa it must have been exposed between 1967 and 1970. I try to develope this next week and let you know.
Vriendelijke groeten,
Willem van Zeijl
-- willem van zeijl (, January 04, 2003.