Maggie . . . the Cosmetologist (Slight Spoiler??) : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread

Hmm, just on a random, and perhaps silly note, since Maggie's a cosmetologist/artist, do you think she'll do a "makeover" on Kerry? She was commenting on her exquisite bone structure and with the possible upcoming storyline with Kerry and you-know-who (don't want to mention the name although the majority here already know of the possible storyline) . . . I don't know, would Kerry Weaver go for the "makeover" thing?? After all, we did see her "touching up" with lipstick before the conference.

-- Kimberley (, November 18, 2000


I thought Maggie was a fashion designer/artist. She was doing sketches in the lounge before Abby gave her the money to go back home. Abby also mentioned them painting a scene on the living room wall when she was a child and enjoyed her mom's manic moods. Maybe with being bipolar she has many occupations?

-- SB (, November 18, 2000.

Maggie told Kerry that though she was an artist, she did makeovers to make money.

-- Mary (, November 18, 2000.

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