Downsizing jeans (misc) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have a few pair of jeans that are too big.:~} Mostly in the legs and bottom. Is it hard to take them in? Anything I should know? Can't see getting rid of them, they still have lots of wear in them. Thanks for you help.
-- Cindy (, November 17, 2000
Cindy - I think you'll have a pretty hard time taking your jeans in. It will depend on what type of seams they have. The flat-felled seam characteristic of most jeans is very time consuming to undo, and it's virtually impossible to have the new seam taper in without puckering. Even if the outer seam is the usual type, it may be difficult to stitch over the pocket seams. The seat would be taken up in the crotch seam, and that is typically flat-felled. If you don't care what they look like, just rip out the seams and put a regular seam in and ignore the puckers. I've done that with work pants, but it seems easier to go purchase a cheap pair at a thrift shop. Good luck.
-- glynnis in KY (, November 17, 2000.
This probably belongs more on the long skirts thread, but has anyone tried sewing a skirt using the top part of the blue jeans as a yoke? So the skirt would have the blue jean pockets? I have a lot of jeans that are still serviceable in this area, but the legs and knees are beyond patching.
-- Rebekah (, November 17, 2000.
Lynn sold her too big jeans at a yard sale, then bought ones that fit at yard sales and thrifts using the money. A freind of our put her older jeans up for sale on ebay and got about 3 times yard sale price for them.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, November 17, 2000.
Congratulations Cindy!!! Wish I had that problem!!! Actually in some of my prior days after dieting I have taken jeans up but yes it can be difficult. If the main problem is in the legs and through the crotch, you can take them up and ingore the flat felled seam, don't take it out. After you sew a new seam just inside the old one or however much you need taken up, just cut off the flat felled part and go back and zig zag the edges. Actually this can be done on the sides too if you don't have to take them up much. If you have to take them up much on the sides, you'll lose the pockets. If this is not understandable email me and I'll try to explain better!
-- bwilliams (, November 17, 2000.
Boy thats a problem I have had in a while ! Wish I did .
-- Patty (, November 17, 2000.
Maybe you can find someone who has been gaining weight and trade?!?
-- Kathleen Sanderson (, November 18, 2000.
Back in the olden days of hippiedom, women made (and probably still do) a serviceable skirt out of jeans by ripping out the inseams and sewing the front parts of the legs together and doing the same for the back legs. You may have to do some finessing at the crotch to make it flat. I used to do that to a lot of jeans and I got a lot more wear out of them. You can patch areas that are worn, too. Very comfy.I keep a couple of pair of really baggy jeans around to wear over thick long johns when I am really cold. I think the days of going down a whole size are over for me! In my lifetime, my shape has gone from a stick to a tree...still straight up and down, but the diameter has changed!
-- sheepish (, November 18, 2000.
For hip and upper area...cutt along the outside seam and have a freind that has steady hands pin them to fit you as well as possible, then mark where you need to jeans to meet on the side. Cut away waste, leaving a seam allowance that you turn under. Join the sides in one of many ways - a favorite is by putting in zippers up the side with a hook at the top to secure it, another is to put on grommets or buttonholes and lace it up (a gusset can be made out of complementary cloth to back the lacing if privacy and warmth requireme it), or you can try any manner of fancy button/tab or loop combos, chinese frogs closure, whatever. As for the legs, you can repeat the process upside down, or simply taper and hem.
-- Soni (, November 18, 2000.
It wouldn't be too hard to downsize your jeans. A couple of suggestions had it right. Split open the inseam right up through the croch up to the waist seam. Set your pins in an inch or so. That depends on how big the jeans are and how small you need them. Then sew the seams up. Should be done. Good luck!!
-- michelle heath (, November 20, 2000.
Cindy, I was trying to give you an easy way to do this because I know you are not a seamstress! (But what a gardener you are!) It is not professional but would be entirely suitable for wearing around the homestead.
-- bwilliams (, November 20, 2000.
Congrats Cindy! This is a "problem" many of us would be happy to have. For jeans that aren't "dress" jeans I have made a seam down the middle of the front of each leg. Make the seam on the OUTSIDE of the leg (keep wrong sides together) and then press it down over the stitch line and topstitch it down. It looks like it is supposed to be there.
-- Peg (, November 21, 2000.
Peg, great idea! I'm imagine it would have it's limits though as to how much you could take up the legs that way. I must remember this if and when I ever need it!!!!!
-- bwilliams (, November 21, 2000.