Bronica SQ A : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

I just bought a used Bronica SQ A system with 80 mm lens. Missing was the instruction manual. Anyone know where I can find an ecopy? I have shot 2 rolls of film + a polariod and have everything pretty much figured out but would like to read up on the finer points. I tried emailing the Tamron website but received no reply.

-- John R. Fowler (, November 16, 2000


Send me an email with your questions and I'll be happy to talk you through. I've shot with SQA's for about 15 years now. Cheers

-- Scott Walton (, November 17, 2000.

Try Ebay Photo Equipment--mediun format or manuals. I have seen manuals on Bronica SQ-A, SQ-Ai, SQ-B.

-- Martin Smith (, November 30, 2000.

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