The Seminoles will get their revenge. The news media will be evicted from their motel rooms in Tallahassee to : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

make way for the Seminole football fans for the big game in Tallahasse with the Gators this Saturday night. The news media will be out in the cold so there should be less biased coverage from Tallahassee about Friday. The Coaches of both teams are staunch Republicians and there is a move underway for everyone to bring their BUSH CHENEY Posters to the game to show support for the Secretary of State and the Bush Cheney ticket in this vote fraud fiasco. Anyone going to the game Saturday, bring your posters along. It should be a blast to beat the Democrats and the GATORS. This will be one of the few times in history that the Seminoles and Gators will unite against a common foe.

-- Seminole Sam (, November 15, 2000


Just wait for basketball time Sam. AZ Cats start & end number one. Odds anybody?

-- Carlos (, November 15, 2000.


Really doesn't make that much difference. They are just fighting to see who will be humilated by Oklahoma. Not a pretty site.

Best wishes,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (, November 15, 2000.


You ain't talkin' bout the AZ chokers are ya? A case of brew says come the end of March Madness AZ will be history.


Okla-who-ma? With Eddie Sutton at the helm? Gone early in the tourney!

BTW,I'm a Kentucky boy pullin' for the Big Blue,but this year is not our year,but,it ain't AZ's or OK's either,IMHO.

-- capnfun (, November 15, 2000.

Don't pay any attention to him. He's just ticked cause his wildcats lost to mine in '97.

-- Carlos (, November 15, 2000.


Spent some time at FSU years ago. Wife is a season ticket holding Gator alumni. Makes for interesting moments around the house this time of year.

Ya know those Gators add them dadgum Hurricanes to their schedule for a home-at-home in a year or so. About time!!!

If things work out, we'll get a rematch with'em for all the marbles!


-- Deano (, November 16, 2000.

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