tanning hide questiongreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I loaned out my back issues of Countryside and a friends sone wants to try tanning the deer hide he got Saturday. There is a recipe in VOL 83 # 6 that has a recipe and directions... it calls for antiseptic like what is used for cleaning bathrooms. Is that the same thign as like Lysol? Or something different?Thanks!
-- Sarah (heartsongacres@juno.com), November 14, 2000
Sarah, I read the article you refered to and its possible the antiseptic they refer to is the ammonia described in the fifth paragragh or as you mentioned, it could be something in the pine oil catagory. Since it is the pretreating where it is mentioned, you could try it both ways and reach your own conclusion.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (jayblair678@yahoo.com), November 16, 2000.
I don't know about the one you were asking about but we have used this and we really like it, it is called Trapper's Hide Tanning Formula 6120W. Tropicana #A16-228B Las Vegas, Nevada 89103 The Phone # is (702) 248-9690 or the fax is (702)248-9404 It is about $10 for 8oz. and one bottle will do 2 med.size fur skins or one deer hide. We only use this now, hope this might help.
-- Mark & Michelle Goetsch (mnmlake@mtaonline.net), November 21, 2000.