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One of my neighbors has a trailer park about five miles from my house. A few weeks ago, he told me I could have one of his "abandoned" trailers. The renters skipped out owing rent, and left their mobile home behind. Big time Doofus's. Drove by the park this last weekend, and it was still there. I've thought about hauling it to my place and use it for storage. It's livable, too, although it needs about 300$ in repairs. I know, because I was hired to fix the electrical system last summer, but the owners couldn't/wouldn't come up with the cash, so I returned the supplies, and swallowed a small loss. Sad shape, but the floor's solid, it doesn't leak, and the plumbing works. Better than some of the accomodations I've lived in working for the Government (NPS)in Alaska.Would a one ton truck be enough to haul it, or would it take the tractor? Wouldn't want to spend any/much money on someone to haul it. Looks like it's a 12x60.
-- Phil Briggs (, November 13, 2000
I just started looking for one for storage too .I think it would be great with lots of room for storage of off season and outgrown cloths for the kids .I could also buy alot more larger size kids cloths when I see them in good shape for the following season .And best of all no more clutter in my house .As for mice I can always let a cat or 2 stay in .
-- Patty (, November 13, 2000.
I don't know Phil. Around here the house movers will move and level them for around $200, plus materials. That might be worth it.
-- Green (, November 13, 2000.
I wouldn't take it unless you can get a title for it. You might wind up in big trouble without one.==>paul
-- paul (, November 13, 2000.
Phil, around here folks move mobile homes down the road, yes, even the state roads, with at least 50 hp farm tractors. They don't have any trouble manuvering them around with the tractors at all. In a real tight situation, they unhook, turn the tractor around, and hitch the front end of the tractor to the trailer's front hitch, like folks do to back up a hay wagon into the hay barn. Of course, the local police have a very relaxed attitude around here, you can drive your riding lawn mower to the convienent store, no problem. Annie in SE OH.
-- Annie Miller (, November 13, 2000.
Agree about not taking it unless you can get a clear title. Owners might show up and demand it back. You may need a wide load permit to haul it on a state road.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, November 14, 2000.
Depending on how far you have to move it and how "stuck" it is you might be able to move it with a 1ton or a larger tractor. You might want to just call the local towing company and see if they can tow it.
-- Gary (, November 14, 2000.
Look into abandoned property laws in your state,concerning the title.I'd hire the mobile home movers to move and set up also,if they will.Quick,cheap,permits taken care of & done well.We redid a trailer that had been left on this property.I called it the 'chicken house' originally.Roof leaking,broken windows & doors,bird poop everywhere,not much plumbing,etc. Now we live in it, til we can get the old house finished.We added a postbuilding porch overhang along the one side,part is a carport,part is for sitting & relaxing, and part wil be enclosed for my workshop.I thought it was a good addition for the money, since the trouble with single wides is not enough storage and work space, for me anyway.
-- sharon wt (, November 14, 2000.
As much as it's rained the last week, trying to move it's pretty much a moot point, at least till it dries up a bit. No one else can move it either as long as the grounds so soggy.But I need/want the rain more than the trailer. I've got a new 8 acre pond that needs a filling.
-- Phil (, November 14, 2000.
Phil: FWIW, I helped a buddy move a 12 x 60 a while back. Kind of an outlaw operation but only had to move it 3 miles. I towed it with my 77 ford 1 ton. No problem. We took care to move the heavy stuff to the back of the trailer to reduce tongue weight.
-- john leake (, November 18, 2000.
Is there anyone in Northern California (i.e. the San Francisco Bay area) that moves mobile homes? I'm considering moving appx. 150 miles, and friends are trying to talk me into moving my mobile home with me. Not so sure if it's a good idea though. Might be expensive. Can anyone give me any info? I'd sure appreciate it!
-- Elaine Briggs (, June 12, 2001.