Staber washers (Misc.) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Ive "wathced from the wings" long enough, time to take the plunge....Anybody have any practical experience or own one of the Staber washing machines? I've read a bit about them, but would like some feedback from someone who has actually used the thing. Are they as good as the ad copy would like me to believe? (especially for the price!!!) Thanks in advance. Steven in NC
-- Steven (, November 12, 2000
Steven, We have had the Staber for about a year now and it is better than the ad copy. We are off the grid so are very careful with our electrical consumption and it is a real miser. Also, it uses very little water. I highly recommend it. Plus, it gets the clothes clean. Doug
-- Doug in Kentucky (, November 13, 2000.
Can you tell us what the Staber washer is?
-- glynnis in KY (, November 15, 2000.
It's a VERY energy efficient and water efficient clothes washing machine made by the Staber co. It's top loading and has no agitator, (read: bigger loads, easier on clothes and fewer parts to break)but instead uses rotating drums to agitate the laundry. It's also supposed to be easy to fix.We are on the grid, but trying to reduce our power consumption (down 33% so far) and reduce the amount of water that goes into our problematic septic. It seems to fit the bill, but is a bit pricey(to us)at a hair over $1,000 (!!!!!!) They have a web site, but the URL escapes me at the moment.
-- Steven in NC (, November 15, 2000.
We've had a Staber for 2 years now and I love it - gets clothes clean and I noticed right away there was much less lint in the dryer too (easier on clothes). The only thing I don't like is the lid locks when you start it and takes a few mintes to unlock - so you really HATE to forget to add something (I'm too impatient, I know!)We ordered our from Mick Abraham at Abraham Solar in Pagosa Springs, CO (email me if you want his phone # - I'll have to look it up). He gives a great discount - I think it was about $800 and we saved the state sales tax since we're in California.
-- Poots (, November 19, 2000.