OK everyone, please tell 2 good things.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I need to hear good things,no politics,no nasty words just good things that have happened this year!I will go first #1 we paid off all the credit cards and cut them up #2we are all healthy here.
-- renee oneill{md.} (oneillsr@home.com), November 12, 2000
Smile Renee , look at those beatiful babies .I wish I paid off my credit cards .O.K. I won't whine . 1] I think is some what good Hubby worked so much this week we can pay for are new furnace cash [not sure if he thinks it good]2] Our weather has been warm. 3]Everyone is safe and healthy.
-- Patty (fodfarms@slic.com), November 12, 2000.
Renee! Short term--#1.-- The business is thriving! #2.--My old ticker seems to be doin much better too! Long term--#1--We're movin closer and closer to where Almighty God wants us--re: ministry of helps. I'll not preach but, well----rekon I will just a little. #2--I'm STILL Saved as is our whole family---GLORY! I could continue but I won't. It sure will be nice to be in Glory and see bunches of you people there also. BTW, another beautiful day and I just can't hardly wait to start enjoyin it! Thanksgivin is comin soon-send a turk with all the trimmins to somebody in need. Not everybody is on the Gov'ts list for help. Matt. 24:44
-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), November 12, 2000.
When you start thinking on it only 2!!!???! 1) Paid off my place 2) the rain has made this the most beautiful place to look at...looks like Ireland or something with all that new green showing through 3) Health is good, and animals are all happy 4) This cup of coffee is supreme 5) God's in charge, we're just responsible 6) looks like some of my fruit tress are going to live after all.
-- Doreen (animalwaitress@excite.com), November 12, 2000.
1) No more Credit cards 2) Marriage, farming and work life all running in harmony, thanks to new boss and the same old wonderful wife.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (jayblair678@yahoo.com), November 12, 2000.
Family is doing wonderfully well; kids are happy & healthy. I love my job (staying home with kids, having lots of animals.)
-- Teresa in TN (otgonz@bellsouth.net), November 12, 2000.
Nice idea, Renee.... 1) My health is excellent-I feel terrific! 2) I have more than enough money to pay bills. I've been doing my paper routes for just over 6 months, and I'm steadily paying down debt, and adding to my savings. 3) I bought a piece of land in Missouri!!!!, my very own homestead!!!! 4) Every single day this year, I've had the opportunity to learn from and exchange ideas with the most AWESOME group of people, my fellow COUNTRYSIDERS! Life is good.
-- Cathy Horn (hrnofplnty@webtv.net), November 12, 2000.
Just two??!!:) God continues to keep us and grow us up in him. Walking with Him is an adventure each day; walking in faith; trusting Him for each days outcomes and suprises. Ah, to let God suprise you....! The sun is shining on our first snowfall. The air is cold, clean. Health is good,business too good, relationships with children all honest,healthy, and sound. I know the political realm can be very frustrating...but we must remember,ultimately, that God sits in the heavens...all of this does not amaze Him...He is more concerned with our letting His Kingdom come....within us!!! But on a light note...my husband made up a new sandwich for the cafe'. We have a Nebraska burger, Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Texas, and now a Florida burger. It changes everyday; and you can have whatever you want on it!!!
-- Beth Weber (talmidim88@hotmail.com), November 12, 2000.
Well, I'm not any closer to getting my homestead, yet. But on the bright side (1) I have 4 healthy, intelligent kids and (2) I know where I want to be in life and (3)I'm becoming quite good at jumping life's hurdles!
-- Melody in AL (namedlynn@aol.com), November 12, 2000.
1) I got to meet all you wonderful Countrysider Forum folk!! 2)I got to go back to school! And, I'll sneak in a little extra one, just to be frivolous 3)I got my hair highlighted again yesterday, and it looks fabulous!Good day to you all!
-- sheepish (rborgo@gte.net), November 12, 2000.
We have been so blessed this year I don't hardly know where to start. First we were able to sell our house in Tx and buy our dream place in Missouri and pay cash....no debt! We moved away from my family and because of the lack of stress my bloodpressure if normal for the first time in years. God is meeting all our needs. I'm not kidding....if we have a need something will happen to handle it. You wouldn't believe the checks we have been receiving from here and there. We hit a deer the other day and it did very little damage to our car and we were unhurt. We are all in good health.
-- Amanda S (aseley@townsqr.com), November 12, 2000.
(1.) Hubby's chest pain wasn't his heart--that tested out strong and healthy--but some torn muscles; he "just" had to be off work for 7 or 8 weeks, then find a new job (less stenuous); (2.) God took good care of us while he was laid off; the bills got paid, and all that y2k food in storage SURE came in handy, and (3.) (sorry! had to include this!) His new job pays well, is easier on his body, and he LIKES it. God is good!
-- Leann Banta (thelionandlamb@hotmail.com), November 12, 2000.
Good idea Renee!! #1 I have a wonderful wife and 2 1/2 year old son. #2 I found this Countryside forum! I only have access to a computer on the weekend, but look up Countryside when I first log on. Perhaps I'm becoming addicted to it?Michael in North-West PA.
-- Michael W. Smith (kirklbb@penn.com), November 12, 2000.
The 2 best things this year 1 we got our well dug, and it tested good, no smell or taste,,2 we got our 2 beef cows and their 2 calves..
-- Tom (Calfarm@msn.com), November 12, 2000.
Great idea Renee!!! 1. My husband of 20 years, who gave up trying to understand some of the things I do ( like why do I need 4 horses), 2.My wonderfully understanding family who support our desire to live in the boonsticks, even though we are 140 miles away from them now. And 3. Our small piece of heaven on Earth here in the hills of SE OH, where nothing can be seen other than our woods and hay fields, the sheer joy at watching the deer come out to graze in the evening, from my kitchen window! Annie in SE OH.
-- Annie Miller (annie@1st.net), November 12, 2000.
We are out of debt and have each other, life just keeps getting better and better. this is my third marriage and it is so wonderful to grow in love with your mate.
-- Tina (clia88@newmexico.com), November 12, 2000.
Hoot dont send us on the forum any turkeys were coming to your house for dinner. lol bless you. Bob in s.e.ks.
-- bobco (bobco@hit.net), November 12, 2000.
I have lots but only two, right? 1. I have a wonderful hubby and great kids. 2. Our farm is producing and it is so beautiful right now! Just our pc. of Heaven!!! This is fun!
-- Debbie T in N.C. (rdtyner@mindspring.com), November 12, 2000.
1) The freezer is full of meat and the root cellar is full of home- grown, home-canned fruits, vegetables, potatoes, jam and jelly, and; 2) The oldest boy is in college, doing well, and loving it, and 3) Everyone is in good health, and 4) (Hey, I'm on a roll) Credit cards are paid off. Life is good. Thanks for reminding me!!!
-- (trigger@mcn.net), November 12, 2000.
Hmmmm, just two things, huh? 1: Found this forum, and on it made a new friend, who I feel is like a sister to me. (Hi, Marilyn!) 2. We were able to take the two grandkids to Disneyworld for a one week vacation, without gaining any credit card debt. (We drove across the country, and it about made me a crazy woman, but they loved it). 3. Hubby and family are healthy, kids have jobs they like, we have enough to eat, and a fire in the woodstove--life is good! Jan
-- Jan in Colorado (Janice12@aol.com), November 12, 2000.
Neat idea Renee. 1) 22 yrs and counting w/ Queen Buffness. 2) 3 healthy, nice Kids. 3) The Queen spent 10 days out in the woods at her sisters this fall, And realized what I've been talking about for so long! 4) God saw her change of heart and BAM, looks like we're going to be moving soon! John
-- John in S. IN (jsmengel@hotmail.com), November 12, 2000.
After this past week, I'm grateful that: 1. God is not up for election, and despite mankind's repeated attempts at a "recount" to determine who's the King of the Universe, God is still in charge! 2. The good guys win in the end (see Revelations). Yippee!!
-- Liz Rhein (merhein@shentel.net), November 12, 2000.
1. Bussiness is bombing we are now members of the Chamber (la-ti-da)2. Daughter is out of college, working at a career job, living in her own apartment, and not at home!
3. Got my donkeys :)
-- Vicki McGaugh TX (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), November 13, 2000.
Business is booming not bombing :)
-- Vicki McGaugh TX (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), November 13, 2000.
Just 2? We traded the 81 pickup for an 88 Astrovan (straight across) so Steve is able to go back to Louisville to work for a much better paycheck. Thank you God. And we live on the prettiest 12 acres in all the world. Thank you God.
-- Cindy in Ky (solidrockranch@msn.com), November 13, 2000.
1. My wonderful wife.2.The freezer is full and canning jars are all filled.
3.We can see the end of the tunnel, getting the house and cars paid off.4.Started a new job.
5. And I did not hit the deer that ran infront of me this morning on my way to work.
Everyone have a good day and take time to thank God.
-- Rich (pntbeldyk@wirefire.com), November 13, 2000.
1)All four children are healthy and happy,2) dh is not going to work today, so I get to visit with him,3) I AI'd one of my favorite does to a good buck and she is pregnant,4) My sister is coming to visit in a week.
-- Rebekah (daniel1@itss.net), November 13, 2000.
Well, the biggest one is that we should have all the credit cards completely paid off this week -- praise the Lord! Still have two car payments and the mortgage, but those will get paid off when we sell the house. Second, our middle daughter was finally able to get time to come out and go through what belongings she still had stored here - - she threw half the stuff away, and told me she couldn't believe how much junk she'd accumulated! Now we need to get our oldest girl's HUGE collection of National Geographics to her -- she's making room for them in their tiny house -- and we will only have our own stuff to go through and clear out in preparation for moving!! ;-)
-- Kathleen Sanderson (stonycft@worldpath.net), November 13, 2000.
thanks renee! only 2 (two?) 1. God is still in charge! and we are grateful he is. 2. I praise God that I can still get up in the mornin', put on my clothes, get out & feed the livestock, come back in the house to start coffee & breakfast, talk to my dh about what needs to be done that day, start the laundry, do some cleaning, ironing, tend to my elderly (93 & still goin' strong) neighbor lady when she needs some help, talk with my granddaughter on the phone to let her know she does not have the meanest mama in the world (that's my claim to fame), fix meals & whatever else needs fixin', carry that bale, lift that feed sack (I'll use the heating pad later on the 'ol back tonight), muck out whatever needs it that day, chase the ducks when they get out, again, admire God's handywork in the sky and on the ground sometime during the day, do the dishes and finally fall into bed knowing he loves me, dh and our family, which includes all of the Countrysiders. God bless y'all!!!!!!!!!!
-- Phyllis (almostafarm@yahoo.com), November 13, 2000.
1. Met a wonderful, Christian man, and was married Sept. 1st. 2. Daughter had a healthy baby girl on Sept. 6th. 3. We are all healthy and learning to be more like Jesus everyday.Blessings to all!
-- sissy sylvester-barth (jerreleene@hotmail.com), November 13, 2000.
1. Blest with a beautiful 16 yoa son that I will love all of my days. 2. Blest with a 4 year old Maltese named Dixie who has stolen my heart.
-- Linda Al-Sangar (alsangal@brentwood-tn.org), November 13, 2000.
1. The storm that went thru here a few days ago, did not blow us off the mountain (I thought it was going to). 2. It brought plenty of much needed rain. 3. The firewood is all stacked. 4. It's gettin cold enough at night to have a fire. 5. All here are healthy. 6. And I'm thankful Renee you asked this question.
-- Annie (mistletoe@earthlink.net), November 13, 2000.
I praise God for my Family & not oweing a single person 1 cent! And for the first time in many years I have outsiders/ who were once natives interested in our community & how they can help out restoreing the community without great change!! Sonda in Ks.
-- Sonda (sgbruce@birch.net), November 13, 2000.
I am soo thankful that my Lord is still there when I need him and he has given me the gift of salvation and promise of a new home when my time on this earthly homestead is over, and yes, like Hoot, I hope to meet many of you there! I'm also thankful for a wonderful family and this beautiful homestead God is allowing me to use while I am still on this earth. God is soo good!!!
-- bwilliams (bjconthefarm@yahoo.com), November 13, 2000.
1) The most wonderful husband in the world. And after 16 years I can still say that. 2( The terrible pain in my right hand and thumb isn't arthritis but only carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis. It isn't fun but it isn't permanent either!! I'm very thankful.
-- Peg (wildwoodfarms@hushmail.com), November 13, 2000.
Amazing that at lunch today we were just talking about what a wonderful life we have (even though we have the normal day to day "opportunities for a solution!" that most people have) Number 1: We are all blessed with extraordinary health. Number 2: We are living a life that many people , throughout the world, can only dream about. Every day is a wonderful new adventure, that we are indeed thankful for.
-- Melissa (cmnorris@1st.net), November 13, 2000.
It's been 9 years now between Aug 31 and next February somethingth since my husband was in jail for alcohol related battery, since he took his last drink, and we were both homeless alone and together and were bankrupt. Next year we'll have our own house and land. My, we've come far. :~) That's more than two.
-- Cindy (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), November 14, 2000.
Two, huh? The two that occur to me are 1) my boys are happy, healthy, and growing up to be fine young men. I have received at least three compliments on their behavior and manners in the last week, and 2) My brother is recovering nicely from cancer-related liver surgery. They removed over 45% of his liver, and he is now resting at home. We lost my mother two weeks ago to breast cancer, and when my brother (36 YO) was diagnosed in late August with colon cancer we were all pretty scared. When one really looks at their life, there is always plenty to be thankful for.
-- Tracy (trimmer@westzone.com), November 14, 2000.
(1) Family is healthy. (2) Very Good neighbor brought me enough chicken to completely fill our freezer.Good Thoughts. Smiles and a new puppy.
-- Kenneth in N.C. (wizardsplace13@hotmail.com), November 14, 2000.
Renee,1. Got a job in July. This will help us to pay all of those people who write to us every month (whom we lovingly refer to as BILL).
2. The Y2K event (or current non-event) propelled me to do several projects that this 'last rose of summer' might not have ever gotten around to at all!
3. Best of all, the man I've loved since I was 14, still loves me!(I'll be 34 in December). And this love and marriage has created two lovable kiddies. Ain't love grand!?
-- Pam Pitts (msjanedoe@hotmail.com), November 14, 2000.
Aaaaawwww, Renee, just two??? *sigh* tough one - how about: what all of them up there said (re:health, marital happiness, great kids,etc.), plus hubby and I are just finishing up our new kitchen (just in time for Thanksgiving!)!
-- Judi (ddecaro@snet.net), November 14, 2000.
The new stint in my heart is holding up and I'm looking for a new ministry to honor my lord Jesus! Ferrets, ducks, rabbit, spider, and wife are happy and healthy!
-- Ed Weaver (edzreal@postmaster.co.uk), November 15, 2000.
1)My beautiful children and hubby and I are all healthy, 2) I moved to my farm and finally feel at "home". Thank you Renee!
-- storybook farm (mumaw@socket.net), November 16, 2000.
No way i can only do 2!! 1) We are healthy and love each other 2) Hubby got a new job with more pay and less stress so he will be happier and our barn dream is getting closer 3)our oldest is toilet trained (Thank you Lord!!!)4) I finally found my way to God and have been happier ever since.5) I started a casual job and just got a pay hike (the best part is the potential to help others though) Life is great and God is good! Accentuate the positive and leave the rest in the Lord's hands! Thanks for sharing.
-- Alison in Nova Scotia (aproteau@istar.ca), November 16, 2000.
Wow! What blessings pouring out just reading this! OK - #1)My precious Lord loves me more than I can possibly comprehend - read Psalm 139! #2) My husband of 21 years & I love each other more now than we could have possibly imagined during the first 10 years (don't go there!) #3) My kids are wonderful, giving, independent almost adults (19 & 17) #4) My freezer is full, my jars are full, the wood pile is ready (and I have a good supply of matches!) #5)I AM CUTTING UP THE CREDIT CARDS TODAY!!!!! (except for 1 :) hee hee - I'm such a rebel!)
-- Nancy (nannyk58@yahoo.com), November 16, 2000.
Great thread! But limit to two? Impossible! 1) Both our kids are turning into good, 'real' people we enjoy and are proud of (they are past their teens!!, and I can't imagine a more compatible team than my husband and I. 2) The farm is flurishing and producing abundantly and providing for all our needs, and neither of us has to work off the farm. 3) We have no trouble knowing the difference between need and want! 4) We have the time to persue interests and volenteer our abilities to the comunity.
-- Fran Ogren (trumpkinland@plix.com), November 19, 2000.