Bad moon arisin'? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Anyone noticed the agression level at a really high peak this week? I have had more bad encounters everywhere this week than I can remember for quite a while. Extended family,local group, net forums,even gardeners for gods sake, are being "snippy".Is there a bad moon arisin' or what?A plea for civility.It's suppose to be random acts of kindness week, isn't it? Maybe we all need to take a collective deep breath and back up just a little.
-- sharon wt (, November 11, 2000
Thank you, Sharon. I've actually had my fill of the really mean, nasty jokes,too. Just my opinion.
-- Pam Pitts (, November 11, 2000.
Good point. I think we all need to chill a bit. I think the election stuff is making folks edgy. We will get through this, and in a couple of days, half the people will be bored by all of it, and the other half will forget it even happened. :)Happy Veterans Day.
-- sheepish (, November 11, 2000.
I too have experienced cranky folks this week at work and online and my students were even in bad moods. Mine are severe and profoundly handicapped and I totally forgot about the full moon coming.... they were really aggressive and didn't want to do anything. Usually they are so sweet and hard workers. It may have just been them, but I also have read studies about the lunar pull and increases in aggression done in schools and mental hospitals. So.... who knows? But I think what ever it is we all need to still try our best to be kind in return and let it go, somethings are just not worth the grumble. Have a nice day all.
-- Bernice (, November 11, 2000.
This must be a "woman's thing". like toilet seats.
-- JLS (, November 11, 2000.
It may be a bad (full) moon rising, but it is also mercury in retrograde, which increases tensions and causes sudden and unexpected reversals or disasters. And this is a longer retrograde than usual, but I forget when it ends.
-- Green (, November 11, 2000.
I hadn't noticed anything different this week, but from past experience, I know a full moon affects a lot of people. For 10 or 12 years, I was staff nurse at nursing home. We always knew when the moon was full, without looking at a calendar. Any of the patients who were normally only slightly aggressive would become almost unmanagable. YEARS ago, in nurses' training (the only time I worked labor and delivery) we had more births on full moon days. Since I'm not able to work anymore, I have to look at the calendar--or the sky-- to see when full moon is due!
-- ruth (, November 11, 2000.
This evening I was walking the pony and Jack up the hill and stopped short. It looked like the woods were on fire. The biggest, orangest moon was just comming up. I hollered for Steve to come see. I must have affected my goats cuz they have gotten in the back yard every day for 3 days several times a day. And that made me cranky getting them out before they ate all my bushes. And Friday morning, every single chicken I have was on my front porch and front yard, and they know better. The animals have been rotten this week.
-- Cindy in Ky (, November 11, 2000.
I don't know if it has anything to do with the moon, but politics and religion have started more wars than I care to think about. Perhaps we should get back to homesteading issues. Maybe our blood presure will get down to normal again. I love Countryside and its readers and never want to fight with them.
-- Del (, November 11, 2000.
Cindy in KY I just Loved that post!! If only we would all have your perspective & sensibility! Teach me,master.
-- sharon wt (, November 11, 2000.
We owned a motel for several years---some day I'm going to write a book about life adventures owning & manageing a motel 24 hrs a day 365 days a year---& one chapter in the book will be about experiences at the motel, with a full moon!!!!!!!!!!!! Sonda in Ks.
-- Sonda (, November 12, 2000.
Cindy in KY, the full moon affects animals as well as people, sometimes more so! My horses and some of the dogs get positively goofy during a full moon. Of course, the horses are Arabians, doesn't take much to set them off, they are hyper-sensitive anyway. I have seen the full moon influence just about every specie of animal native to our woods, too. Annie in SE OH.
-- Annie Miller (, November 12, 2000.
The ER has been pretty nuts this last 6-7 days. I usually notice the "weirdness level" begin to ratchet up 4-5 days before the full moon. It's been "Theme Days" recently. Physch Patients out the wazoo, Drunks and fights , overdoses were a special Wednesday (Hi! My names John, and I'll be lavaging your stomach tonight. Can I get you a couple dozen more drinks to wash down your pills w/ before we start?) And we've had more really ill people too. Lots of Big heart attacks.Yes, for whatever reasons, things are really strange. I worry about getting shot from some drunken yahoo, or drunken family member, when things get like this.
Be careful out there folks. Road rage is running at high tide also. John
-- John in S. IN (, November 12, 2000.