How do Artars ,19" in particular, perform at infinity? : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Does anyone have info to share on the ability of RD Artars to focus sharply at infinity? They are designed for graphic arts work which is usually close up. I am primarily interested in landscape. Any light shed on this subject would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks SB

-- Steve Barth (, November 10, 2000


I have used 19", 24", and 30" Artars on my 14x17 field camera for several years with fantastic results. These lenses have performed flawlesly in closeups, still lifes and outdoor landscapes. I highly recommend them to you.

-- JDMcglasson (, November 10, 2000.

I have a 450mm RD Artar that was sharp and contrasty. I used it extensively for 8x10 landscapes, and it performed wonderfully.

-- Chad Jarvis (, November 10, 2000.

That should be "HAD".

-- Chad Jarvis (, November 10, 2000.

Great. I have a 19" Artar that is blazingly sharp. A loupe on the negative shows detail you would swear was impossible to register.


-- Doug Paramore (, November 10, 2000.

I also have a 19" Artar, which is older, not pristine, but no serious scratches, marks or separations, which makes wonderfully sharp 8x10 contact prints.

-- Chris Patti (, November 10, 2000.

If the performance of the Rodenstock Apo Ronar at infinity is any indication, that of the Artar should also be outstanding, since both designs are very similar if not identical. The Apo Ronars in shutter in current production have the advantage that they are multicoated with all the benefits that this entails.

-- Julio Fernandez (, November 11, 2000.

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