Apron dress pattern?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am looking for the kind of apron dress like the girls wore in 'Little House on the Prairie". It is similar to a pintafore, but does not tie at the waist. It is worn over a dress or skirt and has no sleeves. It buttons down the back and has pockets in the front. Does anyone know where I can get a pattern, or better yet a ready made one, woman size not child?
-- diane greene (cnnursery@ulster.net), November 09, 2000
Diane, have you looked at the pattern books in a fabric store? I'm pretty sure I've seen something like what you describe -- in fact, I made "prairie dresses" for my daughter and I that have a pinafore overdress such as you describe. That pattern came from the costume section of a pattern book, but I think you can find them in the regular section now, too. Good luck!
-- Kathleen Sanderson (stonycft@worldpath.net), November 09, 2000.
You might find this site interesting:Canning & Kitchen Apron
http://www.modestpatterns.com/patterns_friends.htmAnother interesting site:
-- Joy Froelich (dragnfly@chorus.net), November 10, 2000.
Simplicity makes a pattern for these. I saw it in their Halloween costume section this year. Their patterns have been on sale at half price recently, may still be --?
-- Julie Froelich (firefly1@nnex.net), November 10, 2000.
Simplicity pattern # 8372 called Vintage Aprons. I've made one of these but made it out of pretty heavy material and it gets to hot for me so I don't usually wear it until winter, I made it out of heavy material because I didn't want any liquid to go through and soil my clothes. It has one button on the top/neck then a band across the back of your waist area that buttons one side to the other, it also has pockets in the front, I liked this one because I can't stand the ones which go around my neck. I looked at the catalogs 2 weeks ago and there seems to be a new trend toward making new vintage clothing for weddings, plays, parties, civil war renactments etc. Look in the costumes and household section.
-- Carol in Tx (cwaldrop@peoplescom.net), November 10, 2000.
Just a comment on the costume patterns in the pattern books at the fabric stores -- those costumes won't pass at most historical reenactments. They are constructed differently than the originals, even if the outward appearance bears a reasonable resemblance to the real thing. If somebody is interested in getting into reenacting, there are authentic patterns available, though usually more costly than Simplicity -- but don't try to go to a Civil War reenactment with a uniform made from a Simplicity pattern! Those folks take their history seriously!!
-- Kathleen Sanderson (stonycft@worldpath.net), November 11, 2000.
There's a place called Amazon Drygoods in Davenport, Ia that handles all sorts of old timey things. They have seperate catalogs for clothing patterns and shoes, even old fashioned toys &etc. I can't remember the cost but each catalog does have a price. They usually advertise in the backs of mags and since I'm not at home I can't go check- maybe countryside has one of their ads. I'll check it out and get back to you.
-- Clare Baldwin (clare_baldwin@hotmail.com), November 11, 2000.
I just wanted to thank everyone for their answers. The Simplicity pattern will work just fine. I'm not going to any Civil War battles, just selling my soap, plants and dried flowers at the local farmers' market and country fairs and wanted to dress the part. Best to you all...Diane
-- Diane Greene (cnnursery@ulster.net), November 15, 2000.