Is it easier to travel to Louisville or Nahville to look at land in south central : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Dear Countryside folks in the Kentucky and TN area. We are flying south Thanksgiving week to check out land in south central Kentucky. Is it easier to fly into Louisville and go south or to fly into Nashville and go northeast. The property is about half way between. This is our first visit to the area. Any advice would be appreciated. We also realize everything depends on the availability of possible flight reservations. Our original plans were to fly into Atlanta and go north but we will be needing more time as we only have a week.Thanks and God Bless.
-- Norma Lucas (, November 06, 2000
Personally, I'd go to Nashville and travel north. The roads in Louisville are terrible most of the time. I believe they've been under construction since the first time I went through there--about 30 years ago. It's not bad if you're used to it, but Nashville is easier.
-- Teresa in TN (, November 06, 2000.
I passed through Nashville thru Louisville and back the end of September. Roads were open. I'm not sure it makes a difference. I'd say go with the lowest airfares.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, November 06, 2000.
Have you thought about flying into Northern KY/Cincinnati airport.It's about an hour and 1/2 from Louisville.
-- nobrabbit (, November 06, 2000.
Cincinatti and straight south from there.Usually best rates,but check around.You can also fly into Lexington,KY,but check rates.They were very high when we used them a few years back.Sometimes they have special rates.
-- sharon wt (, November 06, 2000.
We were up at Airport/Expo Center yesterday and all the roads are open and fast. Louisville Airport sits right on I-65 and it just takes a few minutes to get straight out of town south. We live 1/2 way between Louisville and Burksville. I think the drive up from Nashville is prettier than the drive south. Louisville is not a Hub City, and you can't always get a straight flight. Nashville has much more to see and do in a country setting than Louisville. Maybe on the way out you can look around some, Nashville is neat. You are right, it is exactly 1/2 way between the two! 2 hours and 22 minutes both ways!! Thanksgiving is comming up soon! I quess the price would be the greatest factor. You better get a ticket soon!
-- Cindy in Ky (, November 06, 2000.
Thank you dear ones all for answering our questions. It meant more than you can know. We are looking forward to seeing Kentucky and finding our piece of property and getting resettled. God Bless
-- Norma Lucas (, November 08, 2000.
Don't know what your final decision will be, but if you come into Nashville and come north, we are just 20 miles out of Hopkinsville, Ky. and will be glad to offer any assistance that we are able to. After you plan your itenarary, let us know via e-mail. Good luck and welcome to Kentucky.
-- Wayne & Lyn Roach (, November 08, 2000.
Heres a thought. I recently used to get a ticket out to South Dakota. I saved over 300 bucks. It dosen't always work but You night give it a try.
-- Kenneth in N.C. (, November 10, 2000.
You might check the rates into Lexington Ky. that would put you in the middle of everything.Mike Settle Cynthiana Ky.
-- Mike Settle (, November 12, 2000.