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Gore 2000/DNC Fingerprints Are Starting To GLOW BRIGHTLY

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), November 03, 2000


So it is okay for the RNC to point out "lies"" attributed to Al Gore, put when we point out an, ur, omission on the part of Bush there is something evil about it? Cut out the childish bullshit.

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), November 03, 2000.


Fox News traced the leak to a Democratic Party stalwart from Maine, and Friday, Tom Connolly, a Portland lawyer who attended the Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles earlier this year, confirmed that he was the source of the report.

SL AM DUNK! Gonna Bite Gore Right In The Butt!

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), November 03, 2000.

Of course it was fed to them by a Democrat. Did you think a Republican would feed it to them?

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), November 03, 2000.

omission on the part of Bush

"I have been straightforward with people (of Texas) that I used to drink too much in the past and I don't drink now.

Tell me Futureshock...you got stuff in your past your not proud of? George has admitted to a drinking problem to the people of Texas and paid the price for his crime. Tell me, has Al Gore been charged and or paid ANY fines for his REPEATED pot smoking/driving he did back in the 1970's?

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), November 03, 2000.

Good, the Monica story was fed to reporters by Republicans, so there is justice in the world. What comes around goes around.

-- (heee@heee.heee), November 03, 2000.

FS: In the past few weeks you've really shown what you're made of.


-- Not now, not like this (AgentSmith0110@aol.com), November 03, 2000.

George has admitted to a drinking problem to the people of Texas and paid the price for his crime.

So then this story should be no big deal. Why are you so upset about it?

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), November 03, 2000.

Good, the Monica story was fed to reporters by Republicans...

The story was 'fed' by Linda Tripp. A lady unhappy with her employers. Don't know if she is a Republican or not. I don't think she said.

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), November 03, 2000.

Tell me Futureshock...you got stuff in your past your not proud of? George has admitted to a drinking problem to the people of Texas and paid the price for his crime. Tell me, has Al Gore been charged and or paid ANY fines for his REPEATED pot smoking/driving he did back in the 1970's?

^^^um, no, not to my knowledge, but he sure can party!!!!!

Furthermore, he eats good to afterward. BTW, pot smoking is supposed to help your eyesight, is it not?

-- legalize the shit already (shh@aol.com), November 03, 2000.

Why are you so upset about it?

I am 'upset' at the lack of 'ethics' used here dropping this type of story out of the sky 5 days before an election is unethical. Ethics and morals are something the Clinton/Gore administration have demonstrated abundantly time after time they have no problem ignoring.

Getting elected by any means necessary is not the type of person I want running my country the next four years.

THe definition of 'is' comes to mind.

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), November 03, 2000.

from the link:::Bush's running mate Dick Cheney, 59, also was arrested twice for driving while intoxicated B in 1962 and 1963 when he was in his early 20s, spokeswoman Juleanna Glover Weiss confirmed. Cheney disclosed the incidents privately in 1989, when President Bush nominated him to be secretary of defense.

Oh great, 2 "reformed" drunks, yippie! I don't know but the Potsmoker and excommunicated Jew are looking pretty good about now.

-- Doc Paulie (fannybubbles@usa.net), November 03, 2000.

legalize the shit already

The question here NEVER was should it be legal the point my friend is that it is ILLEGAL!

If Al Gore is gonna pick and choose which laws are ok to obey and which laws are 'ok' to ignor whats it gonna be like when or if he is elected?

Think about it.

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), November 03, 2000.

Oh great, 2 "reformed" drunks, yippie! I don't know but the Potsmoker and excommunicated Jew are looking pretty good about now.

-- Doc Paulie (fannybubbles@usa.net), November 03, 2000.

Hee hee, I second this one Doc.

Mar: get your panties untwisted already. A lil happy smoke never hurt nobody. It would also help your blood pressure :-)

-- legalize the shit already (shh@aol.com), November 03, 2000.

Oh great, 2 "reformed" drunks, yippie!

At least these guys are reformed. Whats Gores excuse?

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), November 03, 2000.

Mar: get your panties untwisted already. A lil happy smoke never hurt nobody. It would also help your blood pressure :-)

-- legalize the shit already (shh@aol.com),

Why? What'd I say? My panties aren't twisted or all bunched up... And I'm not against "happy smoke" or drinking. And at last count, my blood pressure was fine! ;-)


-- Not now, not like this (AgentSmith0110@aol.com), November 03, 2000.

Just a lil humor Mar, thats all :-0

Since you are sooo passionate against wantsome more Gore the BBQ man.

-- legalize the shit already (shh@aol.com), November 03, 2000.

Getting elected by any means necessary is not the type of person I want running my country the next four years.

You mean like paying for advertisements for Ralph Nader, a candidate with completely opposite positions to one's own, in key swing states to help erode the vote of one's main opponent?

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), November 03, 2000.

"Ain't" --- a regular citizen reported this. Just a normal U.S. citizen who felt the country had a right to know.

Friday, November 3, 2000

Discloser of Bush Arrest Says Has No Ties to Gore

PORTLAND, Maine--The Democrat who told reporters of Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush's 1976 drunk-driving conviction said he has no ties to Al Gore's campaign and called the disclosure an "act of democracy."

Thomas Connolly, an attorney and the 1998 Democratic Maine gubernatorial candidate, told CNN he is not associated with Democratic presidential nominee Gore's campaign.

"I'm not associated with the Gore campaign at all and it came to me in my capacity as an attorney," Connolly said.

He said he felt he owed it to the American people to make the information public "because it was a criminal conviction and also because the nature of a DWI or OUI (driving while intoxicated or operating a vehicle under the influence) conviction is such that it is considered by many to be a crime of moral turpitude."

Connolly said an estimated 25,000 people are killed in the United States annually by drunk drivers.

He said he had no regrets about releasing the information so close to Tuesday's election and said he had only learned of the conviction on Thursday.

"It allows people who are independents or who are Republican, who are Democrat to evaluate who should be the next president," he said.

The disclosure of the 24-year-old court records, which are open to the public but had not come to the attention of reporters before Thursday, "is not a prideful thing whatsoever. It's an act of democracy, just as if a person was required to do anything for their country that they would have considered an important thing. But it's not necessarily laudatory ..." Connolly said.

The Bush campaign said Democratic "dirty tricks" were behind the disclosure that at age 30 Bush had been arrested for drunk driving in Kennebunkport, Maine, pleaded guilty, paid a $150 fine and had his drivers license suspended for 30 days.

Copyright 2000 Los Angeles Times

-- Who's Got a Credibility Problem? (the@truth.com), November 03, 2000.

Since you are sooo passionate against wantsome more Gore the BBQ man.

-- legalize the shit already (shh@aol.com),

LOL, Mar. (Didn't know it was *that* obvious ;-)

-- Not now, not like this (AgentSmith0110@aol.com), November 03, 2000.


'Pearl Harbor Politics' Who's behind the Bush DUI story?

Friday, November 3, 2000 7:03 p.m. EST

"It's not dirty tricks to tell the truth," says Tom Connolly, the flamboyant Democratic lawyer who says he gave reporters the court file on George W. Bush's 1976 drunk-driving conviction in Maine. Fair enough, but it's also appropriate to look into the timing and motivation of Mr. Connolly's stink bomb.

In August, while he was in Los Angeles as a Gore delegate to the Democratic convention, Mr. Connolly told the Bangor Daily News that during the coming campaign he was looking forward to "adding a little pepper to the stew, to flavor it or leaven it to make it rise unexpectedly." That he has succeeded in doing.

The incident began yesterday at the Maine District Court in Portland. William Childs, a probate judge elected on the Democratic ticket, walked up to lawyer John DeGrinney in the court officer's room and struck up a conversation.

"Do you think Bill Clinton could have been elected president if he had had a drunk driving conviction?," Mr. DeGrinney, a Republican, recalls the judge asking him. When Mr. DeGrinney asked what he meant, the judge replied: "Well, George W. Bush has one, and I think it's important." He proceeded to expand the circle of conversation to include other lawyers and court employees in the room, including Mr. Connolly.

"There was a high-profile arson case being heard in the court building that day, and lots of reporters were present," says Mr. DeGrinney. "Anyone would have known that if you create a buzz it would soon reach the right ears." Apparently, that's what happened. A policewoman heard the conversation between Judge Childs and Mr. Connolly and mentioned the subject to Erin Fehlau, a reporter for Fox affiliate WPXT. When she approached Mr. Connolly, he informed her that "he did have some docket information, a docket sheet, which indicated that he had pled guilty to this." Ms. Ferlau says that Mr. Connolly went back to his law office, retrieved the paperwork, said he had received it from a "public figure" and handed it to her. The news hit the wires soon afterwards. (I tried unsuccessfully to reach Judge Childs for comment.)

full story: 'Pearl Harbor Politics' Who's behind the Bush DUI story?

-- FactFinder (David@bzn.com), November 03, 2000.

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