They're burning the : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
This is just me grousing.I've been stuck inside all day. It's not safe for me to venture out.They're at it again .Setting the woods on fire. Happens most years ,this time of year, the yahoos think its a practical joke for halloween.I don't think it's the least bit funny.Two Firemen lost their lives last year.More other years. This year looks to be a bad one. Yahoos using the excuse from out west,not enough logging is causing fuel buildup, to have a reason to feel spiteful and teach everyone a lesson, like they need to have one.It usually starts out worse, in the counties further south,but today we had our own firebug light one off. So the air is full of smoke,and I'm allergic asmathic,with smoke a major trigger. So ,I have to be inside with the air cleaner running to survive.This situation really P.O.'s me.All the damage they do to the trees, people, homes.I think they should be tossed in the flames when caught,they like fire so much!!!. It's mean spirited arson,not accident, in case you were wondering.Well,I aired my grievances, for today.
-- sharon wt (, November 02, 2000
Hi Sharon, I share in your frustration today. Here in the Smoky Mountains we have not had a trace of rain the whole month of October. Last night a fire was started by some jerks not more than 4 miles from our house. We're on top of a hill and I watched helicopters dropping water all day on the fire just 2 mountains over. Not helping much, the fire is getting out of control and the smoke is horrible. Am watching it tonight climb up Shields Mountain and there are alot of homes on it. If I may, could you all please say a prayer for the homeowners and our volunteer firefighters? We're hoping to get some firefighting help in our county and the neighboring county from the folks in Florida and Alabama. Special thanks to those folks.
-- Annie (, November 02, 2000.
I will pray for ya'll, we had fires starting here in the early summer and it was horrible! Hope some of our firefighters from Florida comes to help, we had so many come here to help fight our fires it was a real blessing. May God keep you and yours safe!!!!!!!!!
-- Sandy(FL) (, November 02, 2000.
Sharon, I live in central Ky. and had been noticing a smog and smokey smell. Never gave it too much thought till the UPS man came yesterday and mentioned it was coming from the fires in eastern Ky. My prayers are with you. The woods are too beautiful there to be burned. We have about 45 acres of woods on our property and I sure hope they don't burn! We desperately need rain.
-- bwilliams (, November 03, 2000.
By the way, Annie, we'll be praying for you all too.
-- bwilliams (, November 03, 2000.
Thanks all, for the prayers, we can sure use them. Saw on the local news, where southeastern Ky. were having fires too. That's where I'm originally from and it is beautiful there. The hills are so much closer together, so it seems like it would be even worse if a fire got out of control. Will be saying a prayer for you all in Ky., too. Looks like we "neighbors" are going through this together.I've been hearing helicopters all day, so hopefully they're getting the fires under control. The sun is trying to come through, but with all the smoke, it looks like we live in a big city with alot of smog! yuck.
-- Annie (, November 03, 2000.
Bwilliams-that's the ones in Whitley county burning, to the south of you.They are fighting with the forest service over logging,and so some people lit it up to make their point for logging storm damaged material.The claim is there is too much forest debris that is threatening to be a fire hazard for homes.So,they're proving their point.Problem is I know the one area in contention-Rock Creek.We spent quite a bit of time there looking for property for one particular reason. it is the least populated place is a less populated state!! There is hardly a house to be found-it's a wild river area mostly owned by the national forest.We could find very few privately owned tracts and almost all of them were empty or had seasonal homes,at best.It's just an excuse that sounds good on the surface.
I live on Cave Run Lake,and we usually don't have as many firebugs.I used to live in Clay Co,forest fire city.First time in my life I was driving along and 'happened' upon a forest fire, right along the road.Wasn't sure we'd get back out at first.It had started from a spark blowing in and no one knew or was on it at the time.Scares a person who has a healthy respect for fire.
On the other posting's description of topography hehr, yes it is steep & narrow,crews from out west a few years back said it was just as bad to fight fires here as there.It gets real scary,real fast.The good news is today was better. I hope this is the end of it for the year.
-- sharon wt (, November 03, 2000.