stock panels : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

What are these stock panels I keep reading about?

-- Daryll (, October 31, 2000


Stock Panels are used for fenceing but people have dicovered other uses for them such as shelters, greenhouses, grape arbors and I'm sure their are others.

Stock Panels come in 16 foot lengths and are made of a stiff wire (rod?). Stock panels are usally 54 inches high with 6 x 6 inch spaceing. The panels are stiff but you can bend them some to make a slight curve or to form an arch for building shelters. You can find them at farm supply stores and Home Depot. They run about $15.00 each.

They also make a Horse Panel that is 60 inches high with either 2 x 4 inch spaceing or 2 x 2 inch spaceing.They also come in 16 foot lengths.They are a little bit more exspencive.

Their is also a Hog Panel thats 34 inches tall by 16 foot long. The bottom 3rd of the panel is 2 x 6 inch spaceing the rest is 6 x 6 inch spaceing.

You can cut the panels to any length useing bolt cutters or a hack saw.

Some times I have a dream about having a flat bed truck full of panels having a minor accident in my front yard and dumping their load. Sure I have strange dreams! I would love to fence my whole place in them but that would be quite costly.

Anyone else have a better description or maybe other uses other than the one I mentioned.

-- Mark (, October 31, 2000.

Wow,Thanks for the information

-- Daryll (, November 01, 2000.

And there are combo panels, 52" X 16' that have spacing for hogs at the bottom and large stock above. They come in 2x2" and 4x4" too. the ones I use are 1/4" welded wire, I have to pay $22. a panel.

-- Hendo (OR) (, November 01, 2000.

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