tanning animal hidesgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
does anyone tan hides?interested in recipes and how to for like deer and coyote hides.
-- david young (dbcy@zoomnet.com I think), October 30, 2000
CountrySide had a couple articles about 3 or 4 issue back. I will try to find the issue # when I get a chance.The articles were about soaking the hides an a acid solution and sounded pretty easy.
-- Mark (deadgoatman@webtv.net), October 30, 2000.
Those articles on tanning were in the November 99 and January 00 issues of Countryside.
-- (betsyk@pathwaynet.com), October 31, 2000.
Try this site:New Mexico State University
-- JLS (stalkingbull007@AOL.com), October 31, 2000.
I am pretty sure the Countryside Bookstore carries a book on tanning hides. Just use the button on the homepage.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), October 31, 2000.
I used to do fur tanning with sulfuric acid, borax and washing soda, I can look up the exact measurements if you can't find other recipes. Also made that soft doeskin with white oak and deer brains once, I don't think I have that recipe anymore, but it did work well.
-- Laura (gsend@hotmail.com), November 01, 2000.
I was looking around for this info myself and found this site- www.nativetech.org/tanning/tanintro.html
-- Terri (Terri@tallships.ca), November 06, 2000.
Sorry I dont have a recipe , but if you find one will you share it with me? And I will share with you if I can find one. Thank you
-- Fred (taylordrake@chartermi.net), March 22, 2002.