*.cdi extensipn

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Thank you for you answer, sorry for bothering you again, i will also send this msg. by e-mail. I have tried to use the isobuster but still no result. First when I tried to open the file, in the open dialog box i couldn't find the cdi estension. I have renamed the file from cdi to iso. After that the program opens the file and I could see a classical VCD architecture. In the MPEGAV directory was the aveseq01.dat file. I tried to extract the file from there but no succes. An error 05/64/00 will apear an that's it. After that i tried with another aplication, downloaded from the location sugested by you, named Showbuilder / DiscWriter. This one was suposed to open cdi files and burn cd's from them. When i tried to open a cdi files tha program said that the file that i have is not a cd image.

I don't know what else to do. Thank you anticipated for any other sugesstion.

-- Tudor Vasile (tud0rv@yahoo.com), October 30, 2000


disk juggler burns them

-- breh (breh@yourmom.xcom), May 05, 2001.

simple. go to www.angelfire.com/extreme/dcheaven/apps/apps.html and convert the cdi to nrg with the converter required. use nero(you can get it from download.com) to burn it. Using easy cd creator(or whatever) read the cd to iso. If you have no burner, then you're screwed. oh well. excuse me while I boot into windows so I can convert a cdi.

-- sdsdsfsdffffff (Guarnaman@hotmail.com), January 16, 2002.

yeare but where can i find and cdi to nrg converter??

-- Osiris_NL (saiyanvegita2000@hotmail.com), December 24, 2002.

get daemon tools

-- hil kitty (foo@bar.com), February 11, 2004.

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