It's long but if you want an understanding of what is at stake, read this : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

PC - The Rise of the Religion of the New World Order Diane Alden Oct. 30, 2000

Don't kid yourself - political correctness is a movement, a system of thought, a religion. It is every bit as powerful as the once well-respected Western tradition that came out of Greece, Rome, the Renaissance and Enlightenment, and the Judeo-Christian tradition including the Bible, the Torah and the Koran.

Political correctness, however, is more totalitarian and associated directly with utopian socialism. Add the New Age worship of the environment, utopian psychology, the goddess movement, gender wars, sexual orientation battles, ageism, disability, ethnicity, and race. All these groupings and tribal affiliations are identity politics.

The PC movement uses these "movements" and causes. In reality it is the parent of most of them. At its core, PC desires the destruction of Western civilization as we once knew it. Political correctness has become the standard by which everything that affects society is judged.

It is not unusual on college campuses today and in major corporations, in government, in the courts, in the media, the large foundations, the military, and at the primary and middle-school levels, and even in many towns and cities, for standards to be grounded in the PC. The Ten Commandments, the Bill of Rights and other major documents of Western tradition were once the ideal for human beings and society to espouse and adhere to, but not anymore.

The PC technique of vilification and intimidation of those who do not comply or conform has been used by all totalitarian systems, including that headed by Hitler, the Red Guards in China, and the re-education camps of Pol Pot, Castro's Cuba and the former Soviet Union.

The groups and institutions demanding adherence to political correctness are but one more attempt by the dark forces in humankind to exhibit themselves in our day and age.

Nowadays, however, political correctness is also considered the proper standard for conducting the life of the nation. In public and some private schools, from kindergarten through graduate school, the chilling effect of political correctness has led to the death of the free exchange of ideas. The result is a corrosive silence.

Forty years ago a teaching assistant at a second-rate college would have sent anyone spouting the basic tenets of and advocating political correctness back to remedial critical thinking class 101. In a more sensible time in America they would have been laughed out of the room and told to grow up.

PC Marches On

A few years ago at Stanford University, a required course in Western tradition was offered. The PC crowd, composed of radicals and some minorities, threw a hissy fit and called the course racist, sexist, violent, imperialistic - unlike Third World cultures, which they deemed superior.

As jurist Robert Bork relates in "Slouching Towards Gomorrah": "The culmination of the campaign consisted of a conga line snaking across campus led by Jesse Jackson, the protesters chanting, 'Hey hey, ho ho, Western culture's gotta go.' And go it did. B Stanford revised the course, eliminated some of the white male authors and replacing them with women and writers 'of color,' some of them bitterly hostile to Western civilization."

In this New Age, the New World Order has made PC its religion and philosophy, based on the notion that all ideas, religions, cultures, and societies are the same as all others. That Western tradition is the repository of all evil and should be replaced with something that grants no superiority to any idea, culture or philosophy - except of course to PC.

The question becomes, where did the modern notion of political correctness get started?

The warriors of the New Age World Order, with PC as its religion, are not new. They are as old as dirt and the mountains of the moon. They are the intellectual descendants of the Visigoths who finished off the decaying Roman Empire.

The New Barbarians

In the last article on the New Totalitarianism I mentioned the Prussian or German philosophers of the 19th century as the source for this anti-human, anti-intellectual and anti-Western mindset. Nearly every ism, from Freudianism and feminism to environmentalism, will find a home with the German thinkers. They include, of course, Hegel, Marx, Engels, Schopenauer, Nietzsche, and several others.

In the current hostile takeover of Western tradition, however, the mind nazis have added a few more modern philosophers. Not all are German, but they do follow the German school of thought: Herbert Marcuse, Antonio Gramsci, and Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, and Jurgen Habermas.

They were the prophets for the New Barbarians who plague us today. Every great movement needs its prophets and lawgivers, and the New Age World Order has its own.

The New Age World Order had to seize the moral high ground in order to eradicate all forms of Western tradition and that included Christianity and Orthodox Judaism. It has been eminently successful as millions of Americans have accepted PC as the tradition to replace Western religions and philosophy.

The New Barbarians know that for the utopian revolution to succeed, the mindset into which Western peoples had been conditioned for hundreds of years must be eliminated. All forms of traditional authority must be criticized and discredited.

To this end the thinkers from the German school, like Max Horkheimer and Herbert Marcuse and their friends, invoked Freud's theories, combining Marxist criticism of capitalism with psychology. They concocted a campaign of philosophic social criticism mixed with subversive strategies for a culture war against all authorities and accepted values in both private and public life. The individual is to be liberated from his or her ties to the family, tradition, religion and cultural values. They are mere chains binding people to a corrupt system - or that is what the PC nazis and New Barbarians would have us believe.

The Intellectual Visigoths and the New World Order

Probably a majority of great thinkers from whom the New Age World Order draws its reason for being are associated with something called the Frankfurt School of Social Criticism, a German philosophic school of thought at its height in the mid-1920s. It was part of the strategy of the Frankfurt School to combine and confuse Marx's teachings with completely opposing views; liberal critical academics got enthusiastic about the ideas and the revolutionary strategy of Marxism because an aura of humanity, social justice, and rigorous thought had been generated around them.

The references to the classical philosophical traditions were meant to appeal to the hearts of intellectuals. Marx's original aims remained intact: revolution and dictatorship. But in order to bring this about, it would be necessary "to abolish those social conditions currently inhibiting development" in the fundamental cultural and social institutions.

They aren't household names like Marx, Hegel, Engels, Lenin and Mao. They are, however, the founding fathers of the intellectual system of thought that runs amok in most American universities today. I won't go into a long list of names but will cover the most important.

A very important thinker in this philosophical movement was Antonio Gramsci, an Italian intellectual and communist who spent time in jail under Mussolini but whose views some refer to as "cultural Marxism."

Remember the Frankfurt School of Social Criticism

The Frankfurt School of Social Criticism is Marxism with a different face. This Prussian-German school of barbarians has given rise to all kinds of isms. These include Freudianism, environmentalism, feminism, racism, ageism, and any other philosophical subset that includes beating up on Western tradition.

Rush Limbaugh in his book "See I Told You So" had an excellent description of what Gramsci and the German philosophical movement are about.

In his book Rush said, "In the early 1900s, an obscure Italian communist by the name of Antonio Gramsci theorized that it would take a 'long march through the institutions' before socialism and relativism would be victorious." I read on to learn how "Gramsci theorized that by capturing these key institutions and using their power, cultural values would be changed, traditional morals would be broken down, and the stage would be set for the political and economic power of the West to fall."

Furthermore, Gramsci says, when a group challenges notions that people take for granted, it is necessary for that group "never to tire of repeating its own arguments [though offering literary variation of form]," for "repetition is the best didactic [moralizing] means for working on the popular mentality."

In other words, in the case of the left and the New Barbarians, tell a lie often enough and people will believe it and accept as 'common sense.' Gramsci, like most of these intellectual grotesques, believed that there are rulers and followers. Additionally, Gramsci and the cultural Marxists believe that only they have the moral right to rule.

"If the relationship between intellectuals and people - between the leaders and the led, the rulers and the ruled - is provided by an organic cohesion in which feeling - passion - becomes understanding and thence knowledge (not mechanically but in a way that is alive), then and only then is the relationship one of representation. Only then can there take place an exchange of individual elements between the rulers and ruled, leaders and led, and can the shared life be realized which alone is a social force - with the creation of the 'historical bloc'."

Gramsci called the historical bloc a "hegemony." This means dominion or a superpower, and that is where he wanted to take his warmed-over Marxism. He wanted to build an elite with a twist, who would of course know what is best for mankind. It would use every means at its disposal, particularly the language, to become the primary ideological force driving humanity.

For sci-fi buffs and us ordinary folk this translates from intellectual 'yada, yada' to "we are the collective - resistance is futile."

Gramsci and the rest of the Germanic School of modern barbarians are plugged into something as old as the Garden of Eden and the Serpent - mankind's tendency to play God and to central-plan all of creation.

This particular school of thought exhibits a hatred and intolerance for the creative direction that is outside its realm of control and "system." In its ideological arrogance it permits nothing outside the "system."

In the case of the PC nazis, their philosophy is foolish as well. In the history of mankind, the individual human being always opts out of the "system" when an oppressive order takes creativity and dynamic happenstance and destroys what enhances life, offers liberty, and the Divine. These Germanic philosophical movements take the Divine behind Western tradition and stomp on it, accusing it of being demonic, cruel and exploitative, while they blindly assume the replacement will bring peace, light and the utopia they crave.

The New Barbarians' "system" offers perfection, paradise and harmony on earth. They buy this condition from those who have liberty at the moment by promising security and the "unity" of man. The results, however, are always tyranny, poverty, oppression and, finally, barbarism.

Hitler wanted a thousand-year Reich, his version of heaven on Earth, and instead he got the destruction of his nation and of entire peoples in the rest of the world. Hitler's racism grew out of the Germanic school of thought, just as does political correctness, the New World Order, and the agenda of the left's New Barbarians.

These totalitarians cannot overcome or replace the spiritual aspect of man that brings forth the unplanned, the brilliant, and the unpredictable. But they will try to replace the notion of the Western spiritual tradition by taking the moral high ground and offering, like Hitler and others, a heaven on Earth. They will do this by creating a tyranny of little minds with rules and regulations and prohibitions, thus emasculating civilization.

The Germanic school is totalitarian to its toes. PC is the tool it has used and will continue to use in order to convince a huge hunk of the denizens and citizens of these United States that the "old" Western tradition is evil and imperialistic. All of them turn a blind eye to the examples of what the end result of the new barbarism will be. You only have to look to Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia and Mao's China to get the big picture.

But that is not what the new barbarians think will happen when they are in control. The world they see is a utopia where tolerance will be mandated, and right and wrong will depend on what these "enlightened" totalitarians decide.

This bunch envisions a population that has been halved to no more than 2 or 3 billion people on Earth. They will use any means at their disposal to make sure this happens. That is one reason they are population-control fanatics. That is the reason people like Ted Turner give billions to the U.N. and Planned Parenthood and other groups that want to artificially, and in central planner fashion, curtail human population. They will destroy man's means of survival and entire ways of life to accomplish this "enlightened" end.

Since they do not credit human beings with much sense, they don't envision that most problems that exist in the world today will ever have a solution. Rather, life is a static experience and a zero-sum game. They believe that the bounty of the Earth and its resources are finite even though everything that has happened to humankind for the last thousand years indicates otherwise.

Not long ago humanity used whale oil to light its lamps. These people would never have believed that something like electricity would be harnessed. Those who used the first typewriter or printing press would have scoffed at the notion of computers and satellites to access and spread information over the entire planet in seconds.

The Germanic school and its philosophical children are humankind's eternal pessimists and naysayers.

They refuse to admit that Western tradition and the science that has developed out of free thought and people at liberty have become the base for the gradual positive development of mankind.

When they are finally in control, the New Barbarians and the religion of PC will most likely allow remnants of Christianity, Judaism, and eventually the other world religions to remain in some barely recognizable form. The old traditional religions will be kept in their place the same way the Red Guards kept all attempts at liberty and freedom in place. They did this through fear and intimidation. The only religion that will be tolerated will have to pass the one-size-fits-all PC test.

The PC and New Age New World Order already use the tax system, the educational system, multiculturalism, feminism, rabid environmentalism, and the multinational corporate state to make sure this will happen sometime in the future.

In this brave new world of the New Age, reproduction, families, the church, all institutions will derive their legitimacy from the collective state and permission will be needed from that state in order to function. If force is necessary to create the new utopia, the barbarians will use it; they always have.

One of the chief promoters of the New World Order and the religion of political correctness is the United Nations. The U.N. uses intimidation in various parts of the world to control the weak and the poor in the name of social justice - their way. Recently, the Vatican has stopped giving money to many of the social programs of the U.N. and UNESCO and UNICEF because it sees these programs as nothing but recruiters for the "culture of death." The U.N. has evolved into an assemblage that seems more interested in promoting death than life.

The U.N. has shown itself to be more interested in passing environmental protocols in order to dismantle the prosperity and good life and system of government that Americans hold dear. It offers to one and all mediocrity and conformity and not the New Age they envision. In this New World Order of the New Barbarians all humankind is unified under the religion of PC, with the blessings of the New Barbarians. Saving the Earth is the politically correct new religious concept it uses to control significant numbers of people and to ration the good things of the Earth.

Among the New Barbarian proponents of U.N. hegemony over the world, including the United States, is Vice President Al Gore.

If Al Gore is elected president, he will succeed as the head foreman of the wrecking crew to finish off Western and specifically American civilization. His current boss, Bill Clinton, began the most recent demolition process. Like all good totalitarians he and his subaltern sneer at the system that brought them to power. Clinton in particular used his office to demolish the very Western tradition, including the spirit of the Constitution, which allowed a poor boy from Arkansas to become the American equivalent of a king.

The Source of Course

In the United States PC began to gain steam in the sixties, although it had been bubbling beneath the surface for years. In 35 years it has become rampant in universities, which should be the home of free speech, arenas where the mind flourishes in creativity and freedom. But now all speech and action has to pass the "hate speech" or "hate crimes" test.

Quite a drastic change from the days these same people, such as Bill Clinton, were the loudest, dirtiest, most anti-establishment types, demanding free speech in every conceivable form. But as Orwell warns us in "Animal Farm," "some pigs [in this case PC and its adherents] are more equal than others."

The dangerous thing about PC is that it is couched in feel-good, kindergarten-teacher terms: "Why can't we all get along?"

Perhaps this may be one reason PC appeals to so many people. It offers a clean, orderly, secure, safe world free from the chaos of human existence. But in the end "getting along" will mean giving up everything that made American Western society great. It will mean giving up that which propels us to the stars and beyond. Creativity and liberty are restless and do not sit still when boundaries are imposed by the state or by barbaric intellectuals whose only god is their arrogance and pride.

The Modern Godheads

The German school of intellectual thought has the key to understanding how the inmates have come to run the asylum in the United States and much of the West.

They have invoked Freud and combined Marxist criticism of capitalism with psychology. They concocted a campaign of philosophic social criticism mixed with subversive strategies for a culture war against all authorities and accepted values in both private and public life. The individual is to be liberated from his or her ties to the family, tradition, religion and cultural values. They are mere chains binding people to a corrupt system.

The expanded list of the Frankfurt School of Social Criticism or the New Barbarians' leadership includes Erich Fromm, Herbert Marcuse, Max Horkheimer, Otto Kirchheimer, Friedrich Pollock, Theodore W. Adorno, Walter Benjamin, and Leo Lowenthal.

It was their ideas, or other ideas from similar sources, that largely inspired the young revolutionaries of the sixties in Europe and the U.S.A.

Today, following their long march through the institutions, these not-so-young revolutionaries are occupying key positions in all of them.

Most college students don't know it, most professors don't understand it, and feminists have been co-opted by it, as well as the civil rights movement, American Indian movement, Hollywood, environmentalism, and the entire list of the world of the politically correct. Nonetheless, they have a right to know about the historical, philosophical and politically radical origins of those who now set the agenda for the family, schools, society and the state, and still to some extent the economy.

When Marxism in its Russian form failed and the intellectual class saw it failing in the thirties, these clever fellows came up with a new twist.

Whole generations of students in Europe and the U.S. were required to read Max Horkheimer's "Traditional and Critical Theory" in the sixties and seventies. In it, Marx's silly vocabulary is transformed. 'Revolution' becomes 'negation of the existing'. The 'dictatorship of the proletariat' becomes 'the socialization of man'. 'Communism' is now called 'reasonable society' - as if the atrocities of the communist dictatorship had not been apparent already in the thirties!

Additions to this vocabulary now include "sustainable development" and simply add your favorite PC expression.

Marcuse wrote an essay in the late seventies called "Ecology and the Critique of Modern Society," written shortly before his death in 1979. His vision was of the importance of ecology for the radical evolution of society. The essay argues that genuine ecology requires a transformation of human nature, as well as the preservation and protection of external nature from capitalist and state communist pollution and destruction.

Rooting his vision of human liberation in the Frankfurt School notion of the human beings in nature, Marcuse also believed that unless violence within human beings was diminished, there would necessarily be continued destruction of nature, as well as violence against other human beings. Consequently, Marcuse stressed the importance of radical psychology and transforming inner nature, both to preserve external nature and to diminish violence in society.

NOW does this begin to sound a bit familiar? Today the schools from K through graduate school revolve around the teaching of nature and protecting nature as a prime factor in why human beings exist.

Nature has become an end in and of itself. The goal is no longer to protect or harmonize with nature, rather it is to glory in it and place it above and beyond humanity. However, man is not part of nature. He becomes another function of nature but nothing special or more important than a butterfly or slug.

This philosophy totally flies in the face of Western and Christian tradition.

The school system once used a little discretion in teaching the "environmental sciences" but no more. Earth adoration and multiculturalism have now displaced lessons in citizenship and the history of Western civilization as the focus of life and learning in the public schools of America.

When you add this to the destruction of the educational system with one flaky theory after another, along with the lack of solid science and math, English, and logic, history and geography, the recipe for the end of Western tradition is pretty close to accomplished.

Marcuse would be pleased to know that the New Barbarians have succeeded in establishing an educational system which drugs America's little boys and the 'unsocialized' with anti-depressants and Ritalin. We are not talking necessity and a couple of kids. Studies show it to be happening on a massive scale. Again, this points to Marcuse's combination of psychology and socialism as proposed in the Frankfurt school of barbarism. A whiz-bang job is being done as we destroy or control what potentially might be the fly or rather the disrupters in the march to the New World utopian society.

Something Wicked This Way Comes

Unfortunately, most of our educational establishment, government and the media would not know the Frankfurt School of Social Criticism from a Frankfurter. So they muddle on thinking that they are building the perfect society where drugs, rules, and squeezing the last bit of individuality out of society's children will make society better.

They dump classic thought, history, education, music, writing, and art, replacing it with a trip into the back alley dumpster as we fish for leftover McDonald's fish filet sandwiches, used condoms, drug syringes, and garbage that a land fill would refuse. The weird and sad thing is that in the process of ditching Western tradition they have also disposed of the Divine for the profane, the thoughtful and creative for the banal, mundane and mediocre. They have kicked out the God of Moses for a hollowed-out plaster cast of their own feet of clay.

If this were not the case, our schools would be producing literate people. Christian children in public schools would not be made to feel as though they are espousing the formation of the Third Reich. Men and women would not be confused about their roles in society; there would be a gracious and respectful appreciation for the differences between the sexes.

New immigrants would have a notion that being American means something special. They would understand that it is not all about economics or becoming a hyphenated, victimized ethnic with a grudge. They would not have been subjected to the outrageously contrived PC goon squads prevalent in our institutions.

Our art and music would be the envy of the world and we would not HAVE to be importing scientists and engineers from outside the country. We would not be taxing and licensing people to death. Our institutions would be giving us greatness in all forms. Our prisons would not be filled with millions of people who commit "crimes" which once would have been considered diseases or stupidity worth no more than a fine and no jail time. Yet at the same time violence roams the streets.

There would be no growing home school movement, militias, ruination of civic virtue and public responsibility, corruption at all levels, hyper-materialism, loss of spirituality, laws upon laws and more laws, and there would be no germinating secession movements and distrust and fear of our government establishment.

The children of the sixties are the spawn of Marcuse and Marx. They are in power now and they have twisted our culture into a putrid, decadent thing reeking of self-destruction in an over-regulated yet lawless society. They are succeeding in replacing a creative and enlightened tradition with a barbaric, crude, mindless, intolerant, zombie-like decadence - while God Himself is supplanted by the cruel barbarity of their philosophy.

But that is exactly what the New Barbarians wanted. The destruction of Western society and its institutions was the point of Marxism. That is the reality of the German philosophers of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

What the blatant socialists and communists of the German school didn't accomplish in the West in the 20th century, the American left and the New Age New World Order has. They used political correctness as the mood music, wine and candlelight to seduce American culture and society. However, the American morning after is going to be a dilly.

Marcuse called for a new socialism that made peace, joy, happiness, freedom, and oneness with nature a primary component of an alternative society. In his worldview life would not be, as we know it today.

To find out what it would be like, read Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World," George Orwell's "1984," Lewis Carroll's "Alice Through the Looking Glass," and see the movie "The Matrix." These books and the movie will give you an understanding of the world of the New Barbarians and what you will see you will recognize because it exists in our world today.

On the next episode of the Brave New World of PC: Ted Turner, Maurice Strong, President Clinton, Al Gore, Kofi Annan, George Soros and the rest of the New Barbarians give us the world according to them.

Please visit my new Web site,, updated daily. Read articles by my NewsMax buddy Steve Farrell, education critic Georgia Craig, and the inestimable Kirk Smith, our one and only symphony conductor/playwright, who skewers the culture. They all contribute to News and Views, our weekly magazine with in-depth information. Web design by Val Scott. Thanks to those of you who have already visited - please come back.


Diane Alden is a research analyst with a background in political science and economics. Her work has appeared in the Washington Times as well as, Etherzone, Enterstageright, American Partisan and many other online publications. She also does occasional radio commentaries for Georgia Radio Inc. Her e-mail address is

-- UR2Blame (UR2Blame@UPOWER.COM), October 30, 2000


The agenda.

-- (, October 30, 2000.

The Links.

-- (, October 30, 2000.

The Classifieds.

-- (, October 30, 2000.

Being anti-PC is the new PC. It's become so chic to beat up on diversity that the pendulum has swung back the other way.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (tarzan@swingingthroughthejunglewithouta.nut), October 30, 2000.

Probably true, but it can't swing back far and fast enough!

-- Blueridge (, October 30, 2000.

God, shelters my house, as He has done, for many years.

-- Don't care (, October 31, 2000.


Unless you were a white, heterosexual male, the good days weren't that great.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (tarzan@swingingthroughthejunglewithouta.nut), October 31, 2000.

Well stated, Tarzan. I love to see the look on faces when I use it in a group of "wishing for the good old days" white heterosexual males south of Mason-Dixon. Truly worth losing any semblance of budding friendships. Quite a fine litmus test, actually.

-- Bingo1 (, November 01, 2000.

I can't take credit for it. My fiance's brother first said the line last Halloween, when he was invited to a 50's themed party. His first reaction was What black person in his right mind would want to relive the 50's?, Afer a few minutes, he decided to gently remind the party host that the good old days really weren't that great for many people.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (tarzan@swingingthroughthejunglewithouta.nut), November 01, 2000.

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