Job's : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have been looking for a source to purchase the seeds for Job's Tears for over one year. Do any of your readers know of a source in the United States that may have these seeds? I don't know what the regulations are for purchasing any seeds abroad.Thanks.
-- Rose Tripodi (, October 29, 2000
Rose, where do you live? I don't know where to purchase the seeds, I'm just nosy.
-- Green (, October 29, 2000.
I have job's tears and can send a few if you send a sase....Email me about this. Don't anyone else ask though-I sell my seeds locally so I need most of what I collect. I will sell them for 35cents per pack and I also trade seeds.I have an extensive list if anyone is interested .
-- sharon wt (, October 29, 2000.
You should be able to get them at your local healthfood store. If they don't have them, they can probably order them. Gold Mine Natural Foods will send you a free catalog, call (800) 475-3663. They sell macrobiotic items in small quantities and in bulk.
-- Cathy Horn (, October 29, 2000.