burlap sacks

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

While I was away working,,, the company would get burlap sacks, and the crews would leave them around,, or throw them away. Well, being who I am,, I grabbed them up,, just counted them,,, 78 of them. Now Im wondering what I am going to use them for. Any ideas ?

-- STAN (sopal@net-port.com), October 28, 2000


Lucky you, Stan. Store grain, potatoes, onions, walnuts, carrots. Wrap evergreens and other tender plants for winter protection. Use them to shade plants when first transplanted. Shade salad greens during the heat of summer so they don't get bitter. Spend your winter hooking rugs. Wrap your beehives. If you've got a bored horse, stuff a bag tightly with straw and hang it HIGH in the stall for the horse to fight with. Make a lot of scarecrows. Leave them in a nice big pile in the barn for the mice to live in. If they're plain ol burlap, you've got fuel for your bee smoker for several hundred years. Stuff a couple for cat pillows. Gerbil

-- Gerbil (ima_gerbil@hotmail.com), October 28, 2000.

Wow, real burlap? Not that woven plastic stuff? You did good to snatch em up and woory about what to do w/ em later. I would do some serious dumpster divin' for good burlap sacks. Don't worry, you'll find a zillion uses for em. You get an attaboy for scrounge today! John

-- John in S. IN (jsmengel@hotmail.com), October 28, 2000.

yep, real burlap, I dont see to much of that around here, everything comes in that plastic stuff. Thanks for the pat on the back, I usually will take anything, as long as its free, then figure something out for it later :)

-- STAN (sopal@net-port.com), October 28, 2000.

I got 2 big metal trash can fulls at an auction fro a dollar a few yrs ago. i was only wanting a few to make curtains from, and got the whole works. i still have MORE than i'll ever need. I am hanging onto them as they are in perfect condition. I would be willing to part with about 20 if anyone was interested and wanted to pay postage. I am located in VA.

-- Bernice (geminigoats@yahoo.com), October 28, 2000.

Not so much a use for burlap bags as yardage burlap -- we have covered several walls in houses with it over that sort of soft wallboard that they make into bulletin-boards. They are great for kids rooms in that you can tack up any pictures that they want without the holes showing afterward. Also great in craft rooms for the same reason, tack up your instructions on the wall where they can't fall on the floor or get lost -- a whole wall bulletin board.

-- Julie Froelich (firefly1@nnex.net), October 28, 2000.

I sewed some together and coated em with left over coolseal. Made a dandy waterproof tarp.

-- Jay Blair (jayblair678@yahoo.com), October 29, 2000.

My scout troop cover fabric bolts with burlap to make bulletin boards.

-- Cindy (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), October 31, 2000.

Hello I represent a small but growing company called Everknob. We value the use of burlap sacks for the delivery of our product, doorknobs in a sack. If you have any desire to contact us in regards to the transfer of such sacks, please send us an email. We are serious here- especially if you don't want any money.

-- Everknob Associate (Jimmystecchino@aol.com), May 04, 2001.

I'd be interested in purchasing some sacks. Are they standard 24X48 burlap?

-- William Mills (wmmills@att.net), June 11, 2001.

ok, I give up, what in the world are "doorknobs in a sack"?

-- April (atobias@yahoo.com), June 11, 2001.

Stan, Do you still have the sacks and if so do you want to get rid of them. I am going to open a small antique shoppe and am looking to use these as gift bags for customer purchases. Let me know what size and how many you have left and want to sell or give away. Of course, I would send the postage in advance if you are willing to ship to me.

Please e-mail back!

-- Connie Eads (Connie_Eads@quakeroats.com), December 11, 2001.

My wife and I are looking for burlap sacks to use as a ceiling in our basement. We saw this done in a restraunt in Dunlap, TN. It actually looked good.

-- Patrick Petronico (fyrdoc@bellsouth.net), February 26, 2002.

you know that you could sell as many as you could get your hands on for a pretty good price. if you want to know more just email me back.

-- shawn (shawn880@hotmail.com), May 06, 2002.

Sack races, of course, lol.

-- GT (nospam@nospam.com), May 06, 2002.

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