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Hi, Could anyone recommend an insurance company for the 'homestead' home, that is fair and honest, my current one is trying to punish me for using a cook stove. This stove was professionally installed, and is one of the best, I feel they are just using this as another excuse to gain.My husband is disabled by Stroke and no matter how one tries to save,the laws are there to help no one but the big organization. Thank You Pat
-- paticia raunick (patriciarnck@aol.com), October 25, 2000
We use American Family for our farm and ranch and found them to be very helpful and easy to deal with. They cover more than the other companies we looked at as the others wouldn't cover horses at all and this one does to a certain extent.
-- beckie (sunshine_horses@yahoo.com), October 25, 2000.
we use nationwide,it covers the house, the barns,if anyone gets hurt includeing the farmer who farms the back, and covers animales if hit by lighting or if they get out and hurt someone or property.
-- renee oneill (oneillsr@home.com), October 26, 2000.
Most states have a "division of insurance". That is the agency that regulates licensing. They also have a list of companies that are required to insure questionable properties, such as rural, using wood stoves, etc. It is not cheap, as the insurance comanies are in it for the money, but it is available.The best insurance that I have found is not to need insurance. Be careful.
-- Ed Copp (OH) (edcopp@yahoo.com), November 23, 2000.