HTML code for copy protection : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

To This email is inactive. Please send another email address to request the code. Thanks

-- Judi Parks (, October 25, 2000


I'm desperately looking for a code to protect my html page to be copied. Who can help me out?

-- feddo (, October 23, 2001.

I'm desperately looking for a code to protect my html page to be copied. Who can help me out?

-- charlie (, November 10, 2001.

Hi. I'm looking for the same things...Please send me an e-mail for the html protection code. Thank You!

-- Daniel (, February 09, 2002.

I'm desperately looking for a code to protect my html page to be copied. Who can help me out?


-- Alex Pife (, August 19, 2002.


-- ewf (, March 02, 2005.

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