"Big Bear" wood cookstove

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I want to buy a wood-burning cooking stove that will also serve to heat part of my house. I presently have a wonderful Morso stove in my kitchen, which I can simmer soups on, but I want more versatility. I don't want to give up using wood heat as my primary source, so hopefully I can combine the two desires into a single stove.

I've seen ads for the Big Bear woodstove in Countryside and finally checked out the web page (transoceanldt.com) but they only offered pen-and-ink drawings of the stove - no photographs. I want something that looks nice and is serviceable too, but I'm a bit off-put by the description of the stove where it states that the stove has brass handles. I dislike brass/gold time on stoves.

Anyway, my question here is if anyone can direct me to an on-line picture of a Big Bear stove. Anyone have exerience with this stove? Other recommendations for cookstoves that will heat the house as well?


- Justin

-- Justin Shelton (justinshelton@netscape.net), October 24, 2000


Use the "Google" search engine. 1st. find "Google" Then when their web page comes up type in the name of what you want, and add "JPG". "JPG" is photo, and your search will be looking for a photo.

-- Steven Hoach (Hoach2@hotmail.com), November 12, 2001.

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