ad agency copywriter job : LUSENET : What keeps you up at night? : One Thread

I'm a competent copywriter working in a small ad agency. My question is, how do I break into a larger, sexier agency with larger, national clients? I'm in my early 40s, with about 10 years of experience on the client side, and about 3 years on the agency side. What's the strategy to break into the higher-level opportunities?

-- George Crankovic (, October 24, 2000


Branding as in Brand You. Mingle among the ad agency crowd and since you're a copywriter, write. IMHO Working in a small ad agency is more fun. If you prepared for the competitive zeal of higher level opportunities, sharpen your teeth and see the opportunity as a prey. If you lunge you will lose it, if you use stealth and keep your eyes on the prize, you'll stand a a better to chance to snag or bite an opportunity.

-- Mark Zorro (, October 24, 2000.

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