please look critically at my site and photos : LUSENET : B&W Photo: URL Review : One Thread

i would really appreciate if some other photgraphers, photolovers, etc. would take a look at

and provide some feedback. i update weekly and am constantly looking for ways to improve. most importantly, feedback on the photos specifically would be very helpful.

thank you!

-- jeremyT (, October 24, 2000


Check your page in smaller resolutions. I have a very large screen, but I use my browser less than full screen size. When I first looked at your page, I saw the "Streets Portraits Scapes ..." selections in the center-left, and the deep-blue box on the left. Your jTmain% 20pic.gif does not show up at all, and pops in and out based on the browser width. This also affects viewing your other images.

-- Brian C. Miller (, October 26, 2000.

i went though your have nicely played with light cause the black and the white shine is blending perfectly.....

you site is ok...but when you come to the first page you dont know what to do cause there are just links on the right side...i think you should go for some write up abut yourself..or about your photographs...that would be good....

nice site anyways.. as for me..i have just picked up a digital camera and started talking pics with it...i love b&w photographi..took some on my trip to japan...check it out sometime..

-- adnan (, July 26, 2001.

your pictures sucks

-- anna perez (, March 04, 2003.

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