Homesteader's : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Does anyone know of any Homesteader's chats that are out there? I'm new to the chat scene and definately wouldn't want to wind up in any chat room I would regret. It's just that all the folks here seem so warm-hearted and friendly that sometimes you just want to sit around and chat a'spell with 'em you know what I mean. It's also funny to be online and get an email from someone on the forum and think, "Hey, we're on here at the same time, too bad we can't chat."The posts are GREAT but I just thought a Homesteader's chat would be kinda nice. What do you all think?
-- Greenthumbelina (, October 23, 2000
If you are a goat lover, course we get off topic alot :) join us over at check out the talk lists and topics. They do have seperate discussion nites with gals who make soap and the lot, talk to Pam if you want an open forum night, you host it, really is just saying hi to everyone as they come in. Most nights though they have topics always revert back to goats, times are mostly 9 central and have been on as late as 1am central, though you will see that the times stated are very different! Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh (, October 23, 2000.
I have used MSN chat and from the looks of it it would be easy to set up a temporary chat room. If anyone wants to try this let me know and I will check it out and post the information on the forum. Guess we would have to set a time and date. If the temporary chat works then I guess we could look into a perminant chat. Just let me know. I am almost scared of this as I tend to spend so much time here aready but it is winter and would be nice to chat with you with the fire going and a bowl of popcorn and fresh coffee. gail
-- gail missouri ozarks (, October 23, 2000.
Weird - My email address and name aren't in the usual places, and below the bottom entry was a quote by Ghandi and a picture of Bill this something new, put together by Steve? Anyone else getting this?
-- Judi (, October 23, 2000.
The goat chats i am on from the lists at egroups use Mirc... If you are interested maybe we can work something up to get a chat started on there. There is alpine chat, obie chat, nubian, and the list goes on and on.
-- Bernice (, October 23, 2000.
I think a chat would be great, let us know if you find out anything. Also Judi ya what's up with this at the bottom of the pages I was looking at something earlier and seen the same thing. Whats up with this? I had been off the Computer for a couple of weeks trying to get the last of summer garden brung in so I did not know if they had told everyone about this or not. Have a great day. God Bless.
-- tracy emily (, October 24, 2000.
I have a group of online friends who chat on TalkCity. It is even friendly to WebTV (that's why we went there). I tried to set up a chatroom for this forum, and it was a success. So now there is a room there called "Homesteaders". If someone else wants to create a different one, that's fine with me -- I was going to just see what I had to do to open it, and POW! it was open! :-DTo get to TalkCity main page:
TalkCityOnce you get there, you can register (lots of names are taken, be patient, or try your name from here plus some number that is significant to you) and follow whatever instructions they give you. To get to the room, click on "chat", then enter the word Homesteaders in the box that asks you if you already know where to go.
It can be used at any time, so if some of you want to go there to practice, go right ahead. You can use it for your own little groups and/or set up a general time for the whole population here. I don't own it or anything. It's a free site, and fairly easy to use. Unfortunately, I'm not an expert on solving problems there, so please don't ask ME what is wrong if something doesn't work right. I do know that if you have a firewall, you will have to check that option. Some people can only get in by using a "guest" registration each time -- don't know why. Have fun with it!
-- Joy Froelich (, October 25, 2000.
This is a topic which comes up pretty often. Since I am a chat addict myself :o) I'll take the bull by the horns. Most people have msn chat. I'm going to set up a homesteading chat room. Monday through Saturday 8pm central time. The name of the room is Homesteading. Since there are sometimes troublemakers on that chat server if it becomes necessary to put a password up it will be 'farm'. My nickname is OzarkMom. I really hope this will take off because I would love to chat with all of ya'll. We have a great group of people on this forum.
-- Amanda S (, October 25, 2000.