Property rights or lack : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Have you noticed that if you don't want anyone on your property that you are required to post it with signs. But anyone can walk onto or drive onto your property as they wish and simply state that it wasn't posted and they dinn't know. Do you really believe that these people don't know that they don't own your property? Thet they figured it was ok to cut your fence to get in? That it is ok to hunt anywhere that they please? I believe that it's time people were held responsable for their actions. Why make a land owner post his property? He knows he owns it. It should be law in every state that to be on someones land you need dated written permisson. I once had hunters hunting on land I owned because they had permisson from the previous owners ten years ago. They hadn't been in touch.
-- Nick (, October 22, 2000
had/have the same problem,, snowmobiles, motorcycles, all because people did it "all the time before",, even had people picking huckleberries on My property,,, so I moved a beehive in the middle of the patch,,, didnt come back after that. Also just put a "hive", empty one, on the trail they were using onto my property,
-- Stan (, October 22, 2000.
Up here in our part of Maine it's considered rude to post your land. Most just put markers up to show where the snowmobiles are to go. I know our neighbor did complain the one time we left a track on his land, so we respect that and don't drive across it again. Our neighbor asked before cutting dead trees on our property. I figure they all used the land before we moved in, so it would be rude to suddenly block it off. I don't mind as long as nothing's stolen, the kids and animals aren't bothered, and they respect us enough to ask. I'm not against others posting posting their land, they have their reasons.
-- Epona (, October 22, 2000.
I have run into a bit of trouble at first when I moved out here. The land has been in the family for 21 yrs, 10 yrs of it, it has been mine. I had to live in town close to a hospital due to my children's health, but would come out in the summer and clean up the land a bit. When we did move out here, the neighbors had been using it for a dump. They said someone had been coming out and partying (I had had trouble with that and asked them to tell me before we moved out there) anyway, they all were hostile toward me for moving out there because they lost "their" dump. This is not including the wonderful people across the street. Well, we talked it out and I told them that I could not allow them to continue using my land for a dump, I had never given them permission to do so etc...They have not yet helped clean up the mess, but I have not pushed it, at least we are all seeming to get along just fine now. I had some trouble with prowling at first, but that could have been the ex-partyers.They felt I was being unfair for moving out and making all traipsing on MY land stop, but they knew I owned it and never asked to use it for anything, let alone a dump. I have posted no hunting signs all over the place and some of the neighbors down the street thougth it was a great idea!!! They put up some signs themself, go figure!! I guess you never know what people will do or think.
-- Cindy in OK (, October 22, 2000.
It is more rude when someone comes on your property without permission for purposes to hunt or whatever and would get hurt and sue you for unknown reasons as tripping over loose wire or a board Everyone knows a farm is not competely safe proof.Like the farmer that sued the ladder company because it was not on the ladder that the ladder could slip in wet cow manure as posted in the mag a while back. Rember you worked hard for the ground you purchased and paid all the taxes and hard headaches with your sweat to enjoy and then they have the right to just walk on any time to hunt,pick your berries and whatever they want and throw their beer cans as they leave while you are mowing the lawn or other chores as cleaning out chicken pens or cow stalls. Maybe I look at it a different way as you do. Remember that when you are out plowing the lane ,fixing broken down equiptment while they are sitting in front of their tv drinking beer and eating chips and a big sandwich.
-- Mary Welshko (, October 22, 2000.
It certainly would be a refreshing change of pace to actually have a neighbor politely ask permission to do something on my land, and then treat it respectfully,as one poster described. My neighbors are not that civilized. They would sneak on up, 45 minutes after the truck left, not knowing I was still there. Now they prowl around at night, harassing. Frankly some are such outlaws, I would not be inclined to give them permission to party & poach here, even if asked. That's what this farm was used for, oh yes AND a big dump that we got cleaned up. Some people in some areas are just not that respectful of either the environment or your property rights!Born & raised & Lived in the country all my life, in a number of places & states, by choice, never ran into attitudes this bad.
-- sharon wt (, October 22, 2000.
I didn't know that our dead end street was "a make-out point". Young adults would also party here. I found this out when I came up to work on my house as it was being built and found almost all of my double pane windows broken. They threw boulders so hard that it dented the walls on the second floor.There is a trail along my house that connects to a state park. Most people will use this trail or a connecting trail. I didn't block up it up fearing that someone would run into the fence (on a motorcycle or ATV) and sue me for getting hurt for being on my property. That is what really disturbs me with the laws nowadays. The judges should throw those kinds of judgements out of court and fine the people who sue. Like the woman who sued McDonalds for coffee too hot, right?
-- Dee (, October 23, 2000.
My problem is that the neighbors think I run a free petting zoo. Folks from town were actually lifting their kids over the fence to pet the animals (I have horses (two are stallions), a llama, goats,sheep a milk cow and a Highland heifer, ponies and mini horses and donkeys). I am sure that I would get sued if onewas injured. So I posted all corners of my property, both my driveways and put a sign out front that says 'beware of dogs,exit vehicle at your own risk' So far most folks park and honk.
-- Dianne (, October 24, 2000.