"Bottles Of Hope" (Arts/crafts)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi all,I know many on the forum consider "helping others" to be a large part of their homestead philosophy. But with a farm and family to tend to it's not always easy to commit to a regular schedule of volunteer work outside the home.
I just came across this article and thought it would be a great project especially for artistic homeschoolers who like to play with clay. Be nice to get together as a group and have a "bottles of hope" bee!
It involves covering small bottles with bright colored polymer clay -as fancy as you like- bake in oven at 275 for a few mins. Put an inspirational message inside. Some hospitals are handing them out to new cancer patients and getting a great response.
Article and pictures : http://www.npcg.org/home.htm
Scroll down to "Bottles Of Hope..."
Happy Crafting,
Pauline in NC
-- Pauline (tworoosters_farm@altavista.com), October 21, 2000
Thanks Pauline, the kids and I may try this. God Bless! Wendy
-- Wendy@GraceAcres (wjl7@hotmail.com), October 24, 2000.