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greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

please, i need help!in the last stage( the last attack, against the yamato).anyone knows a good strategy to do that last stage? also, is there a way to activate laser shot on that stage(how and when it appears, however)?i've been trying for the last month unsuccesfully... and it took only one week to arrive at that point!Help me!(weeping and sighing rumours)...

-- F. (randorama@tiscalinet.it), October 21, 2000


Sure, download the cheat file and turn on invinciblility.

-- friendly guy (eatme@yourmothershouse.com), October 21, 2000.

Avoid bullets. should use mega-crash when you are safety.

It makes wave instead of wind. wave is more useful for terrible YAMATO.

I like invincible player with weak ship. rather than weak player with invincible cheat.

-- Hisa-Chan (weavuspert@yahoo.co.jp), October 26, 2000.

Haha I think that Hisa Chan says it all! I agree with you Hisa. I also prefer invincible players compared to invincible ships :)



-- QRS (qrs@telia.com), October 26, 2000.

good morning,and thanks everybody.BUT!1)Avoid bullets? And the planes? is there any good pattern to follow?2)how do i activate the different bombs(thunder,wave,tornado)?3)i'll defeat it!Varth, the metal slugs and in the hunt have fallen under my power, this game won't be exception!(sorry, sometimes i heve my good crises...)

-- F. (randorama@tiscalinet.it), October 26, 2000.

Thunder--at the stage of first half.remove all bullets and small plane.damaging midium and large plane.

Tornade---at the stage of second half. if there is any bullets your neighbor. stop the bullets generation for some seconds.

Wave---at the stage of second half. when you are safety.

-- Hisa-Chan (weavuspert@yahoo.co.jp), October 27, 2000.

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