Does anyone have a pattern for a snood? (misc) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I found two patterns for hair snoods at Crochet Partners website. I am looking for more. Crocheted or otherwise.Thank you.
-- R. (, October 19, 2000
I made a renaissance costume for my daughter a few years ago. The pattern included a snood as an optional accessory. I believe it was some sort of netting with a drawstring. We opted for a twisted headband that sat on top of her head. I will look for the pattern if you are interested. What are you making them for? Just curious!
-- Denise (, October 19, 2000.
Why am I making them - I love snoods. I have loved them since I was a teenager. My sister made me one once from a pattern she made up and never wrote down. It is pretty, but it doesn't fit my head too well. I recently saw some for sale at a renaissance faire and was astounded at the prices. So I decided to make my own. So yes, any and all patterns you have I would appreciate. Maybe I will go into the business! I think I could put some competetive prices on them.
-- R. (, October 19, 2000.
I don't have a pattern, but since it's kind of related, does anyone have a pattern for those little crocheted covers that go over a bun (chignon) on the back of one's head? Like a little snood, I guess. I would like to put my hair in one again. I used to have several in the '60s, '70s. Thanks!
-- sheepish (, October 19, 2000.
Sheepish, go to are several there listed under scrunchies.
-- R. (, October 20, 2000.
R., thanks! Great site. I cruised through most of the scrunchie patterns but haven't hit the ones I need yet. I did find this one elsewhere:
in case someone else is looking for one. It's from Workbasket Magazine, Dec. 1970! The picture looks like it, too! HA!Thanks again!
-- sheepish (, October 20, 2000.
Here you find any and all things related to your desire. Just click on and go to "crafts and hobbies". Several really NICE folks can and will help you with "snoods" free patterns etc.
-- James (, October 20, 2000.
-- Leann Banta (, October 20, 2000.
I would like to explain the difference between a snood and a bun cover as it seems some people are using the terms interchangebly (not just here).A bun cover is exactly that - it covers just a part of the hair twisted into a bun.
A snood covers almost the entire head.
If you ever saw the first movie of Crocodile Dundee, remember the scene where she takes Mick to a dinner party to introduce him to her family and colleagues. She is wearing a snood at the dinner table.
A snood can also be seen at photos/CPpat22.jpg
And Sheepish, I rechecked CrochetPartners. They changed the location of the bun cover. It is now listed under Accessories, Hair Ornaments. Also the one labeled Rapunzel's Elegant Snood is also a bun cover.
-- R. (, October 21, 2000.
R, thanks! I looked up every one at Crochet Partners under Scrunchies but didn't see the bun one. However, looking at all the cool scrunchies made me want to make them as Christmas gifts, so it was a great visit to that site! I'll check out this new location.
-- sheepish (, October 21, 2000.
Sheepish, I remember those bun covers -- we called them "bun warmers" -- sort of a pun!
-- Joy Froelich (, October 23, 2000.
I got my pattern from yesterknits... and go to their free patterns.
Also, has some cute ones!
-- Naomi Banta (, March 03, 2002.